I don't want to hardcode it actually. There should be a way to do it in the background.
Would be cool if you could do it the Glider way, using a socket type connection to the bot. Say HB implements it, you could for example access on port 5100 and send packets to it, such as one requesting current status (the lil state text on the bottom, such as "Moving to next hotspot", etc) and have it returned to you, if none was returned in a timeout time then bot was crashed or connection wasnt configured properly. Restart it and wow. Send a packet asking, am i connected to wow? What process am i connected? What is the characters current XP level, etc,etc, etc.
And also, commands like, LOGIN, START, STOP, LOADPROFILE, LOADMESH, etc...
And if truthful with the glider way, only reply if you send a packet with a login password for accessing the bots functions, so that not just any program could connect to it and gather information about it.
But then again, this would need for them to actually introduze that to the bot... not that it is hard to do, depending on the way they structured the access to the functions inside it, it would take them a day or a week to put an effective system like this working for us.
Not only good for reloggers, it is good for other stuff too such as remote control and monitorization. And would also work for eStat type program, not that you need one since eStat already exists.