K kuskner Member Joined Oct 12, 2013 Messages 521 Feb 23, 2016 #1 I would liek to know that. Coz right now it just keeps it in my backpack.
chinajade Community Developer Joined Jul 20, 2010 Messages 17,540 Feb 23, 2016 #2 Hi, Kuskner, Remove the item from the Protected Items.xml list in your Honorbuddy directory. This will cause it to be sold. If you prefer it mailed, leave it on the Protected Items.xml, but add it to the ForceMail.xml list. You should know that these lists are 'global' and apply to all toons. cheers, chinajade
Hi, Kuskner, Remove the item from the Protected Items.xml list in your Honorbuddy directory. This will cause it to be sold. If you prefer it mailed, leave it on the Protected Items.xml, but add it to the ForceMail.xml list. You should know that these lists are 'global' and apply to all toons. cheers, chinajade