67% of all statistics are made up on the spot. Wait? Is that number right?
Exactly like you quoted. CITE YOUR SOURCES Mr.10-15 reports blablahblabblahhhhhh.
About a year ago I teamed up with EchoTiger.
We've extensively tested this with over 150 accounts while having the bot run scripts that are considered potentially dangerous.
The bot ran for 5days straight with this experimental profile that EchoTiger created for the Questing botbase.
At the end of the fifth day, we stopped the remaining bots.
The profile would call Lua functions that are protected and require a tool like Honorbuddy to access, having the bot spin around in circles using CTM at an extremely high rate, storing bot-like Lua variables,
The accounts were grouped together in categories as to which how many accounts they would be reported by.
1-5. 5-9. 10-12. 12-15, 15.
That gave 30bots for each group.
The bots that would be reported 15 times were split in half.
15 of the bots were reported by 15
various accounts.
The other 15bots were reported by only two accounts but with 15 alts total on the two accounts.
Bots that were reported 1-5 times were absolutely never banned within the 5days.
Reported 5-9 times, maybe 13% of the 150 accounts were banned.
Bots that were reported 10-12 times were banned about 46% of the time.
Reported 12-15 times, about 80% of the time.
15+ nearly 100%.
However, the 15+ that were reported 15times by just two accounts, - wasn't banned.
So we could only figure that reports from the same BattleNet weren't registered and Blizzard only seen these accounts as being reported twice.
So, very funny right Mr. blablahblabblahhhhhh?