Hey Altec!
I've tested your routine in Heroic/Mythic Highmaul envoirment and I'm very satisfied with your routine, awesome job
The only thing I wanna point out that's a major issue is when I go fury burst at start of encounter the routine doesn't prio Sudden Death procs at all, none to be precize! I have to always make sure I spam my Execute to make sure I don't lose any DPS.
I think it's a major issue since if I don't use my Sudden Death procs at burst as prio i'll only peak 40k dps if I let the bot do all the work. If I spam my Sudden Death procs manually I make 80-100k peak damage with BL and fully raid buffed. My ilvl is 662.
I hope this post helps you a bit and thanks again for a lovely routine, have a further nice weekend and happy xmas