gah dismounting between nodes almost purchased this just had to re trial it o well
Starlight Rose NPH is awful these days. Not just your profile but others too. How are you finding the NPH to be? Any tips?
Thanks for good profile. I have a problem about skinning. Never farm "Stormscale"~
Can you explain the difference of the QB and the GB2? Is the QB for while leveling?
Thank you.
Sorry I'm evil is awakened morning, I use google translate, sorry if I'm not very understandable!
I just paid me one of your profiles (mine / herb / ect) for 9euros but I do not know how then is accessed! a little help will be the welcome, thank you
Profile - QuestingBot > Use Artifact Power > Highmountain > Level 100-110 > [QUEST][N] Mining_Herb - Route 2.xml
Toon keeps getting stuck in the waterfall at 39, 48
Let me know if you need any more information etc?
Maybe I missed it... Which skinning profile is best for Stormscale?