Working great for me, did leave buy herb and ore on for a while and it BOUGHT A TON! haha, its all good. I turned it off and now its selling off the excess slowly. Prices on my server like to TANK HARD, so the ore and herbs are mostly under the min set by the bot. People just undercut so bad, I have a inscription alt and I literally bought all the cheap ones on the AH and posted them up near the "wowuction average" No more than 2 hours later back down at 40-50g for something that should be selling for 150-200g. Makes me sad.
Edit: My bitching has nothing to do with AH-Omation, this thing is awesome and Revir works his butt off and takes opinions and problems very well! I can't wait to see where AH-Omation goes soon, much potential, very gold, much wow! ( AH-Omation is awesome! )