First: Kudos for fast service, even with the new baby and the hospital time. Had it been me, I'd have been cussing everybody out on the forum that has been complaining and such. "You are a better man than I, Gunga Din."
Second: Bought the big pack and loving it. Just playing around last night I got 2 new mounts, 2 new titles, and a crap ton of achievements, and I've only begun to scratch the surface.
Lastly, and what brings me to this forum, I attempted to use the AH part for the first time time last night. Tried the WoD list in Thunder Bluff and it would run to the mailbox, check my bank, run to the AH, pull up bones, then run back to the mailbox, etc... It never actually did anything. I'm assuming this is user error and I'm going to get back to it this weekend and see where I went wrong. Question on that though, for the addon, do I just need datastore, or do I need datastore AH? Or do I need the whole suite? I've been using TSM for a couple of years now and have become used to that system.
And speaking of TSM, I saw someone mention this in a previous post, but I thought I would bring it back up again. How about using the TSM auction database addon instead of datastore? The TSM database can be updated hourly via their own standalone program that pulls from the WoW data that is pushed out, and you can have the WoWuction data saved in the same database and it gets pushed out daily. That could relieve you of having to push out updated prices weekly and gives us a constant stream of data. I've played the AH off and on for a few years now using that data manually. I would be willing to give my left nut (mostly) for that to be automated. This way my farmer dumps mats to my bank, my bank posts those mats on the AH with the most recent pricing data, and life is beautiful.
From a non-coders perspective, it seems like it would just take having your profile use the pre-existing TSM database instead of the one from datastore. I know it is probably WAY more complicated than that, but one can dream.