Heal Esper is complete..enjoy and please report bugs/suggestions
always keep the tank/off tank targetted for Mental boon/warden..
i use the following setup :
1 :- Heals :uses gadget,warden,innate,bolster,reap,PF,5 point reverie,2 CP soothe,and Mind over body
2 :- MoveCC : for movement spells(projected spirit),cc break(fade out) and/or Purging debuffs(catharsis)
3 :-stuns
4 :-SOS Heals: uses Meditate (for focus recovery),Phantasmal armor+fixation+Reverie for a big heal+warden
my observations after using this a bit(my gear is nothing special(~88-95 ilvl),HEspers are not as spammy as medics,so plz always keep an eye on your focus bars,and ALWAYS keep a tank targetted