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Please read my previous post on this, I am pretty sure the law on this is the same worldwide, atleast in EU it works as i state. The Terms of Agreement does indeed state that Blizzard is allowed to scan your RAM. But this is limited to the RAM that is accesible to only WoW, not processes outside.
Your analogy with cops doesn't hold water. There are a lot of peoples that get banned after a few days of botting to their regret. It's all about player report, bot activity and gold selling. If there are sufficient player reports you get investigated, if you move enough amounts of gold then you get investigated. If you bot for 30 minutes a day, but are stuck half the time, you will be investigated. Now, to further strengthen my point, lets look at hackers in World of Warcraft. Why does people using flyhack not get banned, teleport hacks and so on if they were able to so easily determine if the player was using unauthorized software, I mean, the amount of hackers there are will not dent their cash flow at all, and I bet you its not good for the ingame health.
Why do you think that most game cheats that exist in any game doesn't need to use some random name for the process that runs? It's because they aren't going to be targeted for a scan outside the WoW process, so there is no need to hide it and complicate it for less experienced users trying to find it in the program manager.
I know of course that my post probrably won't change your mind on this, but hopefully some will see the better of it, instead of spreading false rumors on this subject. Quite frankly, as I have previously studied IT, with a dad who been in the programming industry for before I was born, and have several Law-studying friends all i can say is this: It's basic knowledge. Scanning outside proprietary processes are illegal and a heavy breach on personal privacy which can be sentenced very hardly, so if what you are saying is true, you better hurry up and hire a good lawyer cause you'll be rich.
**Just a quick edit about people being banned, most ban reports are by inexperienced botters who try to farm too much in short amounts of time. If what you were saying, why doesn't all the heavy gold farmers/sellers get instant banned? There are more people than i can count, botting for millions of gold every month and selling it without being banned. I got a temporary 72 hour ban on a SoR account which had already sold over 250k gold, if Blizzard were 100% sure that i was actually botting, then give me one reason why they wouldn't perma ban me.
Thank you for the response. First, I believe they COULD be micro-managing botters to their profit. Ban accounts that have a high probability of purchasing a new one. If you've noticed, they usually love banning right after you pay for subscription (or at least in my case, happened twice in two waves). If you think about it, in a dying* game as a good businessman you want to make the most out of it, and managing botters is probably a pretty good way to do so (mostly statistical and probability work). I'm pretty sure they have a team designated to fight bots and in charge of doing these waves.
Again, it's just a theory.
As I said in my initial post, my country has absolutely no law that covers the grounds of internet communication, and I'm damn sure that they wouldn't care about an foreign company spying on the citizens that play WoW (NSA and their international montoring for example lulz) so I don't see how they are enforced by law to not scan outside their process. If you think your property is at risk you should be able to investigate further to prove your claims. Violating the privacy of the user only goes to some extent if you are violating their rules which you agreed to. So pretty much both customer and retailer are violating eachother... with consent.
On the matter of hackers. Well, simply, they are hackers. Meaning the accounts they are using to "hack" don't belong to them. So let's assume a GM bans a hacked account. Yay, one less hacker in the game, but then comes the angry customer saying "AMG IVE BEEN HAXED BLIZZ PLZ HALP" and then comes the man hours that Blizzard has to put into investigating the matter and restoring the account. So they probably don't care because they know those accounts are doing no harm to the game by themselves, it's the hackers which they of course can't ban unless they put a team of GMs to investigate the whole hacking network.
Honestly, I don't know what to believe since no side of the argument has tangible or solid proof of the claims. Both hypothesis could be true until one is discarded, and there's not enough information to discard any of them.
Again, this whole post is just a BIG 'WHAT IF'. You can't say it's a false rumor until you can prove 100% that it's false.
I'm still botting though, 6 accounts up and running atm down from 14. Gonna switch it up more this time, though last time I was doing it as safe as possible.