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Account Action: 6-Month Suspension

sorry 2 hear that u dont have frends and ppl who u raid with will report u asap
but rest of us usualy raid with frends or semi frends so we dont expect report even if they know we bot and if somone knew about tripwire they usualy bot themselfs so eny repor = backfire


Sorry I don't have 9-29 botting friends :D

All it takes is 1.
yeah i had one that was on during the tripwire and one that wasn't, the one that was on, i got a 6month but i used CR routines, BGBuddy(which i am sure the reason i got banned was from AV.. don't bot AV with bgbuddy ever.. 100% you can tell i'm botting) and i did use GarrisonBuddy. My other account i used, i did use CR Routines, haven't botted AV but other BG's havent gotten banned, and i use questing on it too. But we will see if he gets banned idk though i don't think he will
One thing i'm completely sure about, when i will see first 6M ban on EU, i stick with DOTA2 or WoT for a week or two to evaluate possible damage.
Don't know about US bot popularity, in Russia possible banwave takes at least 3rd part of myphic raiders community that uses bot somehow: to fishing, to rep grinding, to antiAFKing to guard myphic save in instance, to do rotation. Of course if HB is really somehow detected.
I think we are detected. I think blizzard is choosing specific amounts of people to ban at a time. Think about it, it's a great policy. I just lost 3 accounts only doing my garrison... how the hell can you get banned from something where its you vs the garrison whre no one is able to report you. They probabaly have a new sneaky protocol and system in place now. It's actually genious.

Lets think for a moment. They catch a ton of people (detecting) botting and they 6 month ban. You just lost all that time/money. Most likely when the next expansion comes you will still play right? SO they will still get more money from you resubbing and buying the expansion. Not to mention the people that get a 6 month ban and will repurchase the game.

As for me...i'm done. I may get the expansion in the future but im done playing/botting for now! All this expansion was, was a HUGE waste of my time.
Not to mention...Look at all the people on US getting 6 month bans. Obviously something is up??? I'm really fucking pissed at honorbuddy to be honest. We got detected, and they are not giving us any info on as to what the issue is aside from "its not detectable"
Not to mention...Look at all the people on US getting 6 month bans. Obviously something is up??? I'm really fucking pissed at honorbuddy to be honest. We got detected, and they are not giving us any info on as to what the issue is aside from "its not detectable"
noone says its undetectable from admins or?! they dont know too what happens, read Apoc's post
sorry, but you can be pissed only @ur own, its was your decision to use app or not
I know it was my decision to bot, and I knew the risk. I just figured the bot being undetectable and all I would be safe for the most part botting garrison. You have crazy suicide botting maniacs going 24x7 but I bot 2 hours a day in my garrison and get hit by the banhammer on 3 seperate accounts all 5years+ old
SO they will still get more money from you resubbing and buying the expansion. Not to mention the people that get a 6 month ban and will repurchase the game.
If they will do it, they do it wrong. Trust me, all my guildmates doing mythic, 1/4 of them is semi-hardcore raiders still playing from beginning of guild established back in Ulduar times and everyone uses a bot somehow. Everyone somehow. I joined this guild in early ToT times, beeing now vice-RL, and it takes 2-3 tries to see and understand is the new member use something and what he/she use or not and if so exactly what CR. While using CR softly considered as bad form, an archeology, rep farm, fishing, whatsoever is goes on everyday. Of course it's tabooed theme in gchat or TS but in private Skypes we all know everything.
If that shit that goes now go further, i switch to game where i have fun with no automatisation to have fun and sure my mates will do so.
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I know it was my decision to bot, and I knew the risk. I just figured the bot being undetectable and all I would be safe for the most part botting garrison. You have crazy suicide botting maniacs going 24x7 but I bot 2 hours a day in my garrison and get hit by the banhammer on 3 seperate accounts all 5years+ old

nothing is undetectable. you deserve to be punished for such ignorance
the bot is not undetectable but the dev's i am sure do everything that they can to keep blizz from catching HB users just like blizz wants money from its players you are paying for a product here and you expect it to work yes it is a risk a risk everyone of us chose to take every time we load HB but all i have seen is people QQing the past couple of days screaming ban hammer or its a ban wave but what 50 people get busted in 3 days how many people do you think bot in the US i am sure that 50 people is less than 1% i have been botting strong for the past 72 hours during this whole thing watching the same 10 other bots on my server that farm the same area in nagrand as me and the dozens of others in talador that i see
All I can say from readin different post about the 6 month suspension is that the combat routines seems to be the common factor. Im a reckless botter and usually afk leveling profiles over night etc and I havent been banned (2 years+). and ive NEVER used a combat routine or anything in raids (im ofc using singular with the levelign profiles). Just my thought on it, not sure if this is the case but ye, just what I noticed from reading alot of posts.

I think that this bot ban wave had alot to do with the upcoming WoW Token which is going to be purchased in the auction house. Gold for game time. Supply and demand. Blizzard cant have this flop.
blizz is a flop?... idk ive been running for 48-72hrs changing profiles sometimes characters but usually just the same one, running few bgs, old raids, selling on ah.. no ban yet if a banwave was coming or is on the horizon im sure id be offline about right now :p
New 32-bit Detection Method Added

hb is atm easy to detect, even combatroutines

If you'd take the time to read through the thread they actually state that HB should be safe, also they implemented the same method in a different version of WoW at some point during MoP, according to someone in the thread et.c.

I have a hard time believing HB Devs would overlook this, twice. Especially since they've already reversed the function and all the information is right there.
If you'd take the time to read through the thread they actually state that HB should be safe, also they implemented the same method in a different version of WoW at some point during MoP, according to someone in the thread et.c.

I have a hard time believing HB Devs would overlook this, twice. Especially since they've already reversed the function and all the information is right there.

there are way to much ppl who get banned for just using cr. no way it is a non software detection.

i know ppl will say now "why would not blizzard ban you if you just open hb"

it is because they would loose to much clients