I have been testing healing pretty extensively using Dungeonbuddy, with great results. I only see a few issues.
1. When using Dungeonbuddy, it controls movement when out of combat, but the CR also tries to heal when out of combat as well. This is causing the Bot to send a move command, and the cr interrupt the move command, then the bot interrupt the heal to move again, causing stutter stepping over and over. A quick fix for this would be to add a button that disables the bot when out of combat which will stop the stutter stepping, anything more than that I will leave in your very capable hands.
2. The cr tries to heal everyone equally, which includes those that are extremely far away from the bulk of the raid, which causes the character to move out of battle, to heal the person who isn't even in combat instead of sticking with the raid and focusing on the bulk of people. This can cause you to be away from the tank in times when they need you the most. A better approach would be to add a Range-Focus drop down that has the option of "Everyone" which will work as it does now except making sure to only include those who are currently in combat; "Tanks" which will make sure to keep both tanks in range but still heal everyone equally; and "Group" which will focus on being in range of as many people as possible, (meaning it wont go out of range of the 2 tanks to heal just 1 person).
3. When following tanks in battles with a lot of motion, it will stutter step as it follows, trying to heal then move then heal then move etc without actually finishing a heal.