Any luck?
I'm using the CR for feral at max level. it heals out of combat and runs towards objectives.
As soon as combat starts it changes POI and then it does absolutely nothing, doesn't change to cat form and doesn't attack. I have had this problem since the first update after you released the CR, singular is running fine so it shouldn't be the profile or bot that fails.
I have tried to clear the cache and settings folders and this doesn't help, the log is attached but the paths has been substituded with xxxxxx as they include names due to the folder it is located in.
any help with this issue will be greatly appreciated.
Hi there,
while playing solo, being guardian and leveling (currently at 108) the CR only applies defensive buffs. But it does not cast things like "Maul", "Mangle", "Thrash" and the likes.
It also does no facing and/or moving. (Tried using default Raid and Combat Bot and Elite Combat Botbase) Log is attached, but it's non informative (at least what I eyeballed) even on highest log-level.
I also tried reinstalling a freshly Honorbuddy. Nothing...
So, should it be that way? That I have to use the attacking skills myself or is it a CR bug?
Oh and I have ticks in all fields within the "Common Settings" section. So everything should be enabled. (Like Facing/Moving)
View attachment 213465
Resto doesn't cast Efflorescence?
Negative, when i tested resto, effloresence was not working. nor was alot of other resto druid stuff.
Artifact weapon does not work
Flourish isn't casted ever
Germination is not recognized
Soul of the forest isn't utilized.
Playing as feral and 80% of the time it doesnt use my combo points. just auto attacks, rake and shred. Not impressed so far for my trial.
Hi, EnterUsernameHere.
Resto should be casting Efflorescence but it depends on meshes to cast it human like which might be causing issues for you. Could you post a log file for me to examine?
Hi, Cyclonetard. Thank you for the feedback.
Artifact weapon is set to be used when you have more than 7 active hots and Flourish is set to be cast just before Essence of G'Hanir to maximize the benefit.
I will add more options for Resto druid for those to be customizable for your needs.
your druid CR is fine so far, but its quite bad using it for questing. I'm using it with Aion legion questing pack, with movement and targeting enable, the bot keep moving up to the mob, pushing it back, and just right click, I have to manual move it back a few step so it can do the rotation. It work when movement disable but then it will not move the mob if its far away, and just stood there waiting for jump in off cool down to close the distance
You can blacklist spells. I did just that with efflorescence.
[h=5]Version: 1.0.32 (10/4/2016 9:04:39 PM)[/h]
- [Restoration] Added 10 second wait time between Efflorescence casts.