read my 2? post here: to Type: Fly, R: Update
Just sits at the flight path guy with it saying this? What needs to be done?
do your char already have that quest? "A steady hand"I am having problems with the pickup of quest A steady hand.View attachment 60037
I have shutdown wow and hb, deleted the files started wow abandoned quests and start over it picksup all gets to A steady hand and then sits there trying to get it after it already has it.
Trying to run this profile but all I am getting in my log when I start it is
"No data for HawaiiMainLand_25_39.etm
No data for HawaiiMainLand_42_26.etm
No data for HawaiiMainLand_36_21.etm"
Working out fine so far, had the fllight master problem but deleting cache fixed my problems, so far going well, btw i do not reccomend any loot plugins because they are very bugged (atleast from my experience) ill just do as your profile wishes and skip the lootthanks for this btw
[UserDialog-v241(user response) @line 7]: Continuing profile due to User request[LoadProfile-v241(fatal) @line 36]: Profile 'C:\Users\Living Room\Documents\Honorbuddy\Profiles\Cavas Profiles\..\Cava\Scripts\[A-Quest]The Jade Forest(WL)(85-86)[Cava].xml' does not exist. Download or unpack problem with profile?
Fatal error. Stopping Honorbuddy.
Bot Stopped! Reason: Fatal error in custom behavior LoadProfile-v241.
read 2? post here: have completed a few quests already but wanted to give this a run. Upon start up I received this error and then it stopped the bot.
I noticed that it said in the error "\Cava\Scripts\[A-Quest]The Jade Forest(WL)(85-86)[Cava].xml' does not exist." and I named the folder "Cavas Profiles". Once I changed it to Cava it fixed it.
Figured if I made that mistake, others will too.
While writing this post, I started the bot again. The bot ran my character over to the flightpoint and just stood there, with the map loaded, doing nothing.
Just trying to start the bot in Stormwind (first quest in quest log) and I get this error:
No data for Azeroth_31_47.etm
No data for Azeroth_31_48.etm
No data for Azeroth_31_47.etm
No data for Azeroth_31_48.etm
No data for Azeroth_31_47.etm
What am I doing wrong?
How do you solve the downloading mesh thingy? Its stuck on the first quests after pilot mission...
bot side, bot need download meshs/maps
if mesh servers are down you need wait and try later isnt profile bug