Profile is awesome, thank you for putting in the effort. Currently runs better than the other released profile for dailies. As mentioned, HBRelog support to skip to the next task after quest turnins would be awesome.
This works like a charm! Not one single hickup that I've found,Very impressivekeep up the good work <3
Can't wait for the horde version![]()
<CustomBehavior File="HBRelogSkip" />
ThanksThis seems like really solid code. My main beef is that you duplicate the turn in code with each quest. I have my own I was using, but was missing 2 or 3, so I am going to give yours a go the next few weeks. In addition, I had not included the Missives.
I have several toons that are max Garrison Resources and most > 2000 GR.
I have modified the code to do the following:
#1) Get quest from War Map
#2) Check Garrison Resources
#3) If GR > 1500 will go to Sergeant Crowler and buy the Missive that goes with the daily
#4) Then, using your code, activates the missive item to get the quest
Can't wait for the horde version![]()
What's the beef ? Its only for the daily since it can only be one quest active, I felt it made sense to add the garrison hearthstone and turnin after each daily.
The missive quests is handled at the end so it won't go and turn in unless you finished with all accepted missives.
Only real cost is one garrison heartstone IF you also have a missive quests that isn't the daily.
I debated if I should add buying functionality but ultimately decided against it. Even with a upper limit set I didn't want my profile spending peoples resources.
I'm sure some people have a need for it, so great that you're adding it!![]()
I have no desire to post a profile that is already several times over in the Paid section and now free through the Buddy Team.You are free todo whatever you want, long as you give credit where credit is due![]()
I have no desire to post a profile that is already several times over in the Paid section and now free through the Buddy Team.
However, since you already had the missives items it was somewhat beneficial with the GR check and purchasing.
I have no desire to post a profile that is already several times over in the Paid section and now free through the Buddy Team.
However, since you already had the missives items it was somewhat beneficial with the GR check and purchasing.
By the way I fixed the Skettis Quest if you want it..
*** Much faster than grinding IMO ***<!-- Daily: Skettis -->
<While Condition="HasQuest(36683) && !IsQuestCompleted(36683)" >
<CustomBehavior File="Message" Text="Starting Daily: Skettis" LogColor="Red" />
<While Condition="GetItemCount(118701) < 1 && !IsQuestCompleted(36683)">
<CustomBehavior File="Message" Text="Getting Keys" LogColor="Red" />
<MoveTo X="887.6411" Y="1538.374" Z="316.1979" />
<MoveTo X="912.7523" Y="1662.244" Z="303.2291" />
<MoveTo X="1013.219" Y="1742.091" Z="311.0891" />
<MoveTo X="991.7393" Y="1617.3" Z="301.1343" />
<MoveTo X="942.0189" Y="1549.533" Z="303.1424" />
<If Condition="Me.HasAura(170810)"> <!-- Turn In Freed Arakkoa For Boost ... Bug Check -->
<CustomBehavior File="InteractWith" QuestId="36683" MobId="89063" InteractByGossipOptions="1" ProactiveCombatStrategy="ClearMobsTargetingUs" X="919.0364" Y="1063.517" Z="178.7565" />
<While Condition="GetItemCount(118701) > 0 && !IsQuestCompleted(36683)">
<CustomBehavior File="Message" Text="Using Keys" LogColor="Red" />
<CustomBehavior File="InteractWith" QuestId="36683" MobId="89076" WaitForNpcs="false" Range="5" CollectionDistance="15" WaitTime="2000" X="927.4302" Y="1109.982" Z="177.7719" />
<CustomBehavior File="InteractWith" QuestId="36683" MobId="89076" WaitForNpcs="false" Range="5" CollectionDistance="15" WaitTime="2000" X="935.5799" Y="1137.93" Z="175.8775" />
<CustomBehavior File="InteractWith" QuestId="36683" MobId="89076" WaitForNpcs="false" Range="5" CollectionDistance="15" WaitTime="2000" X="922.0088" Y="1166.132" Z="174.6728" />
<CustomBehavior File="InteractWith" QuestId="36683" MobId="89076" WaitForNpcs="false" Range="5" CollectionDistance="15" WaitTime="2000" X="925.2773" Y="1220.4" Z="174.5785" />
<CustomBehavior File="InteractWith" QuestId="36683" MobId="89076" WaitForNpcs="false" Range="5" CollectionDistance="15" WaitTime="2000" X="921.2315" Y="1266.414" Z="174.1359" />
<CustomBehavior File="InteractWith" QuestId="36683" MobId="89076" WaitForNpcs="false" Range="5" CollectionDistance="15" WaitTime="2000" X="864.089" Y="1365.999" Z="239.7733" />
<CustomBehavior File="InteractWith" QuestId="36683" MobId="89076" WaitForNpcs="false" Range="5" CollectionDistance="15" WaitTime="2000" X="918.6618" Y="1542.793" Z="303.1169" />
<CustomBehavior File="InteractWith" QuestId="36683" MobId="89076" WaitForNpcs="false" Range="5" CollectionDistance="15" WaitTime="2000" X="958.5007" Y="1544.44" Z="303.421" />
<CustomBehavior File="InteractWith" QuestId="36683" MobId="89076" WaitForNpcs="false" Range="5" CollectionDistance="15" WaitTime="2000" X="981.4299" Y="1519.226" Z="308.3579" />
<CustomBehavior File="InteractWith" QuestId="36683" MobId="89076" WaitForNpcs="false" Range="5" CollectionDistance="15" WaitTime="2000" X="1000.52" Y="1556.435" Z="305.7618" />
<CustomBehavior File="InteractWith" QuestId="36683" MobId="89076" WaitForNpcs="false" Range="5" CollectionDistance="15" WaitTime="2000" X="1000.216" Y="1622.127" Z="302.8696" />
<CustomBehavior File="InteractWith" QuestId="36683" MobId="89076" WaitForNpcs="false" Range="5" CollectionDistance="15" WaitTime="2000" X="972.5557" Y="1624.125" Z="302.1305" />
<If Condition="Me.HasAura(170810)"> <!-- Turn In Freed Arakkoa For Boost ...Top of Hill -->
<CustomBehavior File="InteractWith" QuestId="36683" MobId="89061" InteractByGossipOptions="1" ProactiveCombatStrategy="ClearMobsTargetingUs" X="1010.645" Y="1845.524" Z="309.5683" />
<CustomBehavior File="InteractWith" QuestId="36683" MobId="89076" WaitForNpcs="false" Range="5" CollectionDistance="15" WaitTime="2000" X="1027.988" Y="1740.086" Z="313.4011" />
<CustomBehavior File="InteractWith" QuestId="36683" MobId="89076" WaitForNpcs="false" Range="5" CollectionDistance="15" WaitTime="2000" X="961.7664" Y="1728.609" Z="315.7767" />
<CustomBehavior File="InteractWith" QuestId="36683" MobId="89076" WaitForNpcs="false" Range="5" CollectionDistance="15" WaitTime="2000" X="925.5558" Y="1621.679" Z="302.0634" />
<CustomBehavior File="InteractWith" QuestId="36683" MobId="89076" WaitForNpcs="false" Range="5" CollectionDistance="15" WaitTime="2000" X="919.5193" Y="1683.136" Z="309.8745" />
<If Condition="Me.HasAura(170810)"> <!-- Turn In Freed Arakkoa For Boost ...Bottom of Hill -->
<CustomBehavior File="InteractWith" QuestId="36683" MobId="89063" InteractByGossipOptions="1" ProactiveCombatStrategy="ClearMobsTargetingUs" X="919.0364" Y="1063.517" Z="178.7565" />
<!-- Turn In -->
<If Condition="HasQuest(36683) && IsQuestCompleted(36683)" >
<CustomBehavior File="Message" Text="Quest completed, Trying to hearthstone, waiting 30 seconds..." LogColor="Red" />
<CustomBehavior File="Misc\RunLua" Lua="UseItemByName(110560)" WaitTime="5500" /> <!-- Trying HS first -->
<CustomBehavior File="WaitTimer" WaitTime="20000" VariantTime="40000" TerminateWhen="Me.ZoneId == 7078" />
<MoveTo DestName="War table" X="1948.811" Y="328.9721" Z="90.36076" />
<TurnIn QuestId="36683" QuestName="Assault on Skettis" TurnInName="Scout Valdez" TurnInId="81152" X="1949.675" Y="333.9757" Z="90.41009" />
I'd be interested to hear how your missive purchases work out. I made an attempt at something similar, but failed miserably.
This was very beneficial, thank you.
I'd be interested to hear how your missive purchases work out. I made an attempt at something similar, but failed miserably.
This profile supports all missive quests, you could just use my code ? :s
Message: [string "WoW.lua"]:1: Couldn't find CVar named 'autoSelfCast'
Stack: [string "WoW.lua"]:1: in main chunk
Keep getting this error every time I try to run this profile: