Blood Elf pally, Horde, Ret, 680 pvp ilvl. ( let me know if you need any other important/relevant data)
Hello and thank you for this GREAT profile. I have only been able to run it for less than an hour or so but I'm excited about what it already can do. I did run into some problems though.
To begin with the biggest one was it left Ashran. I was watching it for most of the time but felt safe enough to go cook lunch, came back still in Asharan but with a pop up telling me that i left. Here is the log.(i hope...)
View attachment 7828 2015-01-07 11.06.txt
I think I followed the "how to attach logs" post properly, if not please let me know. I noticed that you told some one to turn off some plugins and try again. Please let me know if the log indicates whether that was or was not the issue.
Some additions you might consider OP:
1. Add in Fragment turn in
2. Change the path back to the grind location so it does NOT walk over the bridge but instead takes one of the many other paths to the side where it wont die over and over.
3. Change the path back to the grind location from the other grave yards to it does NOT go threw alliance areas
4. Add in a few more mobs, particularly the birds "Karili Skyterror, and Onyx Ravager". The profile completely ignores them and lets them slowly kill the player
5. Add in rare spawn killing if "#" of players are currently engaged in attacking it
6. Add a auto accept invite for Ashran que
7. Add a option to enable the chat feature " /1 LFG " also a auto accept group invite feature/leave group feature if less than "#" players are not in group
These are the things I came up with so far that would help make this profile better.
To other ppl using this profile I recomend Tuahna routine's, they work very well with this profile and when I switched from leaves/gladiator/singular over to Tuahna's I noticed a good increase in perfomance and less *glitch's*. *no I dont make money for advertising his routines Im just trying to help out someone that might like advice*
1 last thing....Ive been using this profile for roughly 6-8 hours and have had NO AH peace drops yet....I know the drop rate is low but...idk...starting to think maybe we are farming the wrong mobs? gonna give it another 8-12 hours and Ill post back with any updates/suggestions for improvment.
I'm going to be straight up with you on whats possible in a questing profile and whats not.
What can be done: 1 and 4
Everything else requires more than just a profile or you have to sacrifice some functionality or safety for it.
2: You'd have to make the whole bridge a blackspot meaning the character would never run over it. Theres only 1 or 2 other ways down that keep you in ashran and its already only used by bots so it just makes it worse.
3: You cannot detect whats around you using just a profile, you'd need a plugin to accompany it. Also changing a path would require blackspots that permanently cut that area off
5: See #3
6:You can't interact with queue pops with just a profile. Trust me, I tried for a lonnnnnggggg time.
7: There are so many bad things about this, #1 : you're opening yourself up to interacting with real people quintupling your chances of being banned #2: You wouldn't be able to accept that invite with a profile #3: even if you could, that means ANYONE could invite you to any party and you'll always accept.
IMO, farming ashran with a bot is bad news and you should either buy BGFarmer and wait for Millz to finish his implementation of it or accept that you can't AFK it and run it with Enyo or with nonAFK farming profiles.
1. I'm not sure if you disabled the fragment turn in because it interfered in some way but with the buff of the Ashran events, Horde is running Ashran differently now. We aren't attempting to kill your boss at all but are instead only doing events. And even in the raid group we don't get credit for those events unless we are in the event area.
2. I understand the concerns about black listing the bridge, but for Horde, I feel like its a must. With horde only doing events, the alliance are pretty much at our bridge 24/7 and its impossible to get out. i watched the bot for 30 mins run his face into it before I decided to manually move my guy out. which is fine and dandy initially, but when I die I'm just running my face into them again untill I check it. Which I'm sure we can agree is more dangerous than taking paths that bots already take.
3. I haven't experienced a problem with this yet.
4. i'm having these same issues as well.
5. I haven't experienced this yet.
6. I don't mind getting into the raid before starting, but this would be nice. BGBuddy does it. I am aware that it is a different botbase. But I honestly know almost nothing about bots.
7. I agree with Mac. Besides, if you can't auto accept u don't need this and if this is so dangerous you may as well not auto accept any way...