@ridz89: I just used your Profile for just a few hours and I made some adjustments.
- Reenabled Death-Behaviour (since it works properly now)
- If you just revived it will try to turn in your Artifact Fragments if you have some.
- It will grind till you have 300 Artifact Fragments then it will try to use the "Disposable Pocket Flying Machine" to turn them in and if you do not have it or it is on cooldown it will use the old way of turning them in at the npc.
- I added an Repair-Vendor
I did the adjustments just for the one script I am using but if anyone wants to have it for the alliance side it will be easy to change. I made a lot of comments so everyone should know what certain parts of the script are there for.
I tried to run this profile and it says
Cannot load profile!
'=' is an unexpected token. The expected token is ';'. Line 75, position 124.
Does anyone by any chance have a version of this profile which uses the repair mount?