It should do. Try eddgars, and go back andre pages and ser our conversation about the problem there. Cant give link to it, on mobile
His profile is for Horde, I'm Alliance.
It should do. Try eddgars, and go back andre pages and ser our conversation about the problem there. Cant give link to it, on mobile
His profile is for Horde, I'm Alliance.
Oh ok, checking things when i get home in 2 days time
What steps should i take to make these scripts infinitely repeat?
Example - Alliance Netherweave cloth. I try and change it to farm item = 99999999, and remove the next quest in the steps, but it will simply stand there like a moron after vendoring, without even mailing to alt.
Should i simply make it farm say 600, and then have the script go to itself as the next quest objective? Or should I overhaul the script over to a grindbot?
I am rather new to profession buddy and using quest lines to script, as I have not used Honorbuddy after MoP was released!
I am rather sure I could easily convert this over to a grinding profile, but I am wondering what the differences would be between force vendoring, and simply setting specific vendor/mailbox waypoints, and I am going to assume that using the force vendor/mail will make the script run smother/fly to locations smoother?
<CustomBehavior File="FlyTo" DestName="Netherweave Cloth - Shadowmoon Valley" X="-3413.564" Y="2939.159" Z="169.8788" /> <SetGrindArea>
<Hotspot X="-3413.564" Y="2939.159" Z="169.8788" />
<Hotspot X="-3411.942" Y="2982.397" Z="169.8994" />
<Hotspot X="-3355.656" Y="2999.608" Z="170.0895" />
<Hotspot X="-3370.416" Y="2963.24" Z="169.8799" />
<Hotspot X="-3405.158" Y="2941.144" Z="169.8799" />
<GrindTo Condition="GetItemCount(21877)>=1200"/>
<CustomBehavior File="ForceSetVendor" DoMail="true" DoRepair="true" DoSell="true" />
I greatly appreciate you taking the time to do this work for me!
I tried running this with grindbot, I remember having a customized Frostweave grindbot script in the past which I had spent hours upon hours of perfecting, and after running this script, it just seems to me that grindbot should not be the way to go!
I tried modifying the script while doing a 10.5 hour day at work today to see how it would go, i simply set it to farm 1200 (i have room in bags for about 2200), and i then had it load itself as a script at the bottom...
No dice lol, it was not effective! after vendoring 1 time it hung and i lost connection due to inactivity!
Would it be effective for me to just spam
Code:<CustomBehavior File="FlyTo" DestName="Netherweave Cloth - Shadowmoon Valley" X="-3413.564" Y="2939.159" Z="169.8788" /> <SetGrindArea> <GrindArea> <Factions>90</Factions> <Hotspots> <Hotspot X="-3413.564" Y="2939.159" Z="169.8788" /> <Hotspot X="-3411.942" Y="2982.397" Z="169.8994" /> <Hotspot X="-3355.656" Y="2999.608" Z="170.0895" /> <Hotspot X="-3370.416" Y="2963.24" Z="169.8799" /> <Hotspot X="-3405.158" Y="2941.144" Z="169.8799" /> </Hotspots> </GrindArea> </SetGrindArea> <GrindTo Condition="GetItemCount(21877)>=1200"/> <CustomBehavior File="ForceSetVendor" DoMail="true" DoRepair="true" DoSell="true" />
Over and over and over again betweenandCode:?<quest>
<While Condition="true">
1. Firstly the time that it says on the front page (finished within 6-8 hours, and can be done in 5) is the biggest load of crap you will ever hear. - You might be right, it might be too good to be true, but you have to remember there's a lot of factors that come into play, you mention other botters yourelf for instance. - This is always the case with public profiles.
2. Anyone expecting to get a grand total of 5536+ pieces of assorted cloths from mobs in that time is delusional. - See 1.
3. These profiles are definitely NOT 100% afkable. I got stuck farming Mageweave Cloth in Tanaris and again for some reason the bot got stuck on farming Netherweave cloth in Legion Hold in Shadowmoon Valley. My toon stuck to killing those infernal elementals that rain from the sky that don't drop anything at all. In addition it got stuck flying in circles at the mountains of Dreadmaul Hold after finishing up in Easting Kingdoms. - Please see post 2 in this thread. about "If something doesnt work please add the following to your reply to this thread"
4. These profiles are slow, especially at looting, at which they are REALLY slow at looting. - It isn't a profile-issue with the looting. Can you elab. on this a bit, explain throughtly what is going on?
Other annoyances:
1. Why mail items when I have 60+ slots free? It looks really suspicious to blizz. Plus you set it to mail even trash like lowbie potions? - It mails the items to make sure that you got enough space when you move to other zones(profiles). If you happen to have 7 bag slots free, move to 1200 Frostweave, it will farm say 6 stacks of frostweave cloth and mail them to your alt. But the "behavior" i use wont account for those 6 stacks![]()
2. Why send me to farm ONE THOUSAND TWO HUNDRED Frostweave cloth between The Fleshwerks and Aldur'thar, in the huge flat area? The mobs there always cast a debuff on you that gives you 60% reduced movement speed for 7 seconds. This severely increases farming times as you always have this debuff - Fair point. It's chosen from here: Frostweave Cloth Farming - Best places to farm Frostweave Cloth - WoW-Professions once i get my hands into these profiles again, i will probably make a Naxx. profile for the frostweave cloths, tho. I think there might be one out there for public alreadyThis guy had a good time using it tho.
Anyway, perhaps the biggest thing about this profile is that there's no way in all hell you could do this within 6-8 hours. I've spent 18 hours with maybe only 1 hour of downtime due to it getting stuck whilst I was afk, and I am maybe only even half way through getting the rest of the cloth. - Again, fair point. I edited the front page, haven't had this good feedback for a while![]()
- Solved the issue you might get when you need 1200 of 1 sort, and you had to run the profile "twice" - Not 100% tested yet.
[16:25:16.548 D] Set query filter to Horde[16:25:16.738 D] Changed POI to: Type: Mail, Loc: <2290.66, -5323.351, 90.0145>, Name:
[16:25:16.752 N] Moving to Type: Mail, Loc: <2290.66, -5323.351, 90.0145>, Name:
[16:25:17.291 N] Could not find or move to mailbox @ <2290.66, -5323.351, 90.0145> - blacklisting!
[16:25:17.291 D] Clearing POI - Reason Could not find mailbox
[16:25:17.356 D] Cannot mail because no nearby mailbox could be found
[16:25:17.362 D] Stopped moving.
[16:25:17.420 N] Summoning vendor mount (61447) for vendor run
[16:25:18.591 N] Stopping the bot!
[16:25:18.591 Q] Bot stopping! Reason: User pressed the stop button