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[A-H][Q] 100% Automated/Afk Ashran (Universal Language Module + Rep)

So lemme get this right, blizzard delays bans, just not with you ?
Wait, you say you bot 20 and 16 hours and then say in 6.1 Blizzard flags and ban bots which farm for more than 8-12 hours ?? Ok... (Hint, not true...)
For 1400+ posts and 3 years, you should know better...
I do not see the point in the aggression in your posts here and there.

People, including me, trying to help with comprehensive reports about the profiles. For you, For your profile's users and For the whole HB community at all.

Because someone get banned or suspended, while using your profile does not mean they offend you in any way!
That only means one: there is problem - no matter if it is in your profile, in its over-usage, in the prior account behavior, or anything else, non-related to the profile!
And the only way for the mistake to be focused, as I am aware - is the discussion.

So again, I classify the offensive style, demonstrated in the posts above as not appropriate coincidence ... at least!

Do not get me wrong,
I can see you are fresh, but dedicated and passionate developer, so I wish you all the best in developing stuff for this wonderful Honorbuddy community!

Project suspended.
Are you moving to a better platform like BuddyStore, or you have recent problems with the project?

Maybe anything different from the above?
So you've been a member for 3 years but you only used my profile and nothing else ?
Cool story.
I like the way that you are trying to make every one looks like they are lying anyways i wouldn't bother reporting it was me who got banned not you and i know the reason am not here to ask u if its the reason or not iam telling people to be careful .
note : i've only brought my key a month or two ago so i used like 2-3 profiles for the entire 3 years membership buddy :) Don't act as sherlock
I like the way that you are trying to make every one looks like they are lying anyways i wouldn't bother reporting it was me who got banned not you and i know the reason am not here to ask u if its the reason or not iam telling people to be careful .
note : i've only brought my key a month or two ago so i used like 2-3 profiles for the entire 3 years membership buddy :) Don't act as sherlock

used it about8-12 hours per day and didn't do other botting or profiles so that's propaply the reason right?

From only my profile to 2-3 profiles... Do i really have to say more ?
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I do not see the point in the aggression in your posts here and there.
Its because you contradict yourself several times in that post, which, just as Hekal, makes it hard to believe what you are saying. Regardless of your good intentions or not.
Are you moving to a better platform like BuddyStore, or you have recent problems with the project?

Maybe anything different from the above?

There's no problems with my projects and they wont show up on buddystore.
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yea 2 - 3 profiles over 2 months only ur profile for more than a month that makes it only your profile anyway lose the attitude buddy it's not good for the image :)
Attitude ?
You start off with lying and when you're caught you state assumptions as fact.

Blizzard can ban you months after you bot. And whats to say those "2-3" profiles isnt actually 10+ and that "month" is actually 6+ months.
Its common silk line with people who get banned, blaming someone else instead of taking responsibility for their carelessness. Thats how i knew you were lying in the first place.
Lol, the author of the thread don't get any critic at all. that's the main reason of suspending the project. One of the douchest action i have seen here. So, lets wish tomten2 to have a good day :D
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Just cause someone acts like a jerk doesn't mean any of you should. This has spiral ed out of control and now the author has pulled his profiles :(

Sucks because they were good for the community. We don't have enough people who are okay releasing profiles for free.

Mods should probably close this thread since it's only going to be bashing :/
Just cause someone acts like a jerk doesn't mean any of you should. This has spiral ed out of control and now the author has pulled his profiles :(

Sucks because they were good for the community. We don't have enough people who are okay releasing profiles for free.

Mods should probably close this thread since it's only going to be bashing :/

Very few people seem to get that. Soon the only free profiles are the ones needed to advertise your name and get sales on buddystore.

The sense of entitlement and jealously is off the charts...do you really think I suspended the project to punish any of you ? gtfo, you don't even exist in my world lol...

Mods can delete this for all I care.
I enjoyed the profile, and it was good work by OP. My problem was never with him, or anything else..and I wasn't entitled, I bot and know it's not safe. Ashran bot is very high profile, you make a ton of gold...more than any other source I've seen and therefore it was very popular very fast. Like I said, I used it almost from the time it was posted...rarely saw more than maybe another person, however when it reached the top/stickied or whatever it went from 1-2 people max to 8-10 or more, all running the same route, all clearly bots. I did post on here the SECOND it was apparent just to warn people, it's probably not safe. 10+ people running the same route for hours is going to attract automatic red flags from Blizzard, and probably player reports to confirm.
tomton2. There will always be haters no matter what you do. Im actually in need of these profiles now. Could i ask you to unsuspend this thread and just ignore the people who are giving you grief? :)
The degradation of this thread got by us, and we're sorry it was allowed to get this far. Obviously, this type of behavior is what chases good developers and free offerings out of our Community. It has happened several times before.

In the future, please report posts when things go seriously awry. Moderators simply don't have time to read every post in every thread, and require the help of the Community to focus attention where needed.

Sadly, we're archiving this thread since no offering is currently provided.
