Yea, Im also using this spot on my rogue atm.. Try going Mutilate spec im getting 2m exp unrested a hour at lvl 85 with really bad gear!Level 87 (50 % atm) Subtlety Rogue ilvl 377 S11 PvP gear with default Singular CC
lvl 86 to 87 full rested: ~5,500,000 exp/hr
lvl 87 to 88 no rest bonus: ~2,200,000 exp/hr
Kills: 2290 ( 276 kills/hr )
Loot: off
Using hotspot "B", cause on my server too many ppl on hotspot "A".
respawn times are quite bad, running around for like 2-3minutes after killing every mob there, waiting for them to spawn.
has anyone else the same issue?
Hm, im currently getting 2 mill on my feral druid who is lvl 85.. Maybee consider buying some new weapons or something.. and turn off lootIt seems like the number of mobs/spawn time has been nerfed, in 30min with my 87rogue with loot and killing between hotspost disabled I barley get 1mil/h