I am using killcount addon, 20 kills in I got a dark whelp. So I go afk for an hour, like 500 kills or so later, I now own 5 of these things, is the drop rate higher or am I lucky? This is better than farming herb and ore. I normally take ore break it into the green gems, take them gems make greens, the use an enchanter to Disenchant into materials. I take the herb and I mill them into fortune cards and inferno ink for scrolls for raids. That normally doing only 8 hours a day farming brings me like 4-5K due to market being low before mop. Now pet farming I can make 20-30K a day easy. But how safe is it, I am guessing do not list them all at once. So far I am listing just 1 pet at a time or spamming trade with one pet, there is a guy on our server who used to run the pet scene and he is banned, this guy litterly had 20 dark whelps, 15 or more azure, 20 oozes up at all times and it has been server wide lately that he got banned for hurting the economy with pet farming. He made Dark whelps go from 10k to 1.2k on our server, he would litterly spam trade, selling 20 dark whelps 800G each thats why there are still so many on my server. Now for oozes they bring 9K, Crimsons bring 15-20K each. Emeralds go for 30-40K here apparently when I went out there, theres like 10 people trying to farm one. The epic bird sells for 25k on my server and thats low price, can someone explain why a ugly bird is wanted so much. Now Fireflys I have no idea, there has not been on in the ah in over a year, I not think people even farm it sense there is a quest that gives you a cooler looking one.
Anyway, I am making 20k a day on a bad day, 50k on a good day and my best day was over 110k due to having bought some crimsons from this guy who is now banned for 4k each and resold 19.8k each.
I know the pet battle system is coming out but how will this affect the market if we farm and bank them until mop since there are tons of new pets to be farmed in mop.