On 5 different realms all at the same time? Unlikely. But you're right, I don't think it's HB - I think it's Blizzard.
I think there's a gathering trap out there. I noticed a couple of these bots exhibited unusual behavior recently - for no apparent reason, the screen would turn black, then WoW would crash. I became concerned Blizzard had placed a bot trap on my route, so I made a new route, and set the bots to using that instead.
What if there is a new herb introduced, that shows up as an herb client-side, but has no associated geometry? So the server says there's an herb, and the client THINKS there's an herb, but there's visually nothing there to 'grab'? Normal players would complain about there being a 'phantom' herb, and start the usual conversation chain about phasing/zoning. Botters would try to pick the herb, and get stuck in the trap. There's no need to place underground herbs to catch us, that alone would get 100% of botters and 0% of players. There's a lot of ways to ban us, that's just one scenario that closely fits my situation.
Botters have been getting away with murder, botting promiscuously in a permissive, consequence-free environment, because Blizzard apparently didn't care. But they seem to care now, and are whipping out a myriad of tools to stop us. I'm just surprised they didn't care until now, after the game's been out like 10 years or so.
If I still loved the game, I wouldn't be botting it anyway, so it's not an emotional downer for me. I mainly regret the loss of time - I've been making HonorBuddy addons for an entire year now. Time to find a new hobby.