Just give up the dream. Mr. and Ms. Honorbuddy has song the last song!
- I will wait for their return in the new n' better world.
Talking business from here and down.
There is abselutely no way it is possible to profit in ANNY WAY with honorbuddy as things look right know. Well, not with anny kind of bot/cheat/ 1010110010 software. <- saw what i did their? huh?
8 bots banned in 2 months. First 4 within 2 days, then the next 2 poppin like cherrys within a week. And then 2 more AT THE EXACT SAME TIME! 10-20 sec between. (Was watching those bitches while shit hit the fan)
So, yeah. I did everything right. Bla, bla, bla.
Max 3 hours up, 1-2 hours down. Everything random as fuck using relog.
Everything updated.
Private custom profiles, still running randomizer etc.
Selling gold like a pro, (All bans was for botting) nothing there.
Bitches farming on different servers. Never using AH, private ingame "partners" only.
Whisper thingy, who checked me thingy, all that good stuff.
Not gonna write every damn thing i did right, i'm in a hurry. "kinda"
So what the fuck went wrong. Well blizz went wrong, and Mr. & Ms. Honorbuddy, just dont give a damn about it.
See you all on the other side. Amen!
- I will wait for their return in the new n' better world.
Talking business from here and down.
There is abselutely no way it is possible to profit in ANNY WAY with honorbuddy as things look right know. Well, not with anny kind of bot/cheat/ 1010110010 software. <- saw what i did their? huh?
8 bots banned in 2 months. First 4 within 2 days, then the next 2 poppin like cherrys within a week. And then 2 more AT THE EXACT SAME TIME! 10-20 sec between. (Was watching those bitches while shit hit the fan)
So, yeah. I did everything right. Bla, bla, bla.
Max 3 hours up, 1-2 hours down. Everything random as fuck using relog.
Everything updated.
Private custom profiles, still running randomizer etc.
Selling gold like a pro, (All bans was for botting) nothing there.
Bitches farming on different servers. Never using AH, private ingame "partners" only.
Whisper thingy, who checked me thingy, all that good stuff.
Not gonna write every damn thing i did right, i'm in a hurry. "kinda"
So what the fuck went wrong. Well blizz went wrong, and Mr. & Ms. Honorbuddy, just dont give a damn about it.
See you all on the other side. Amen!