hb is getting old, (almost) everything run 64 bit here in 2016
open your eyes... this detection was about 32bit client....
Even 128 bit they can ban you. We are using bot and we are all from Honorbuddy. Im serious they can check your and my IP in this topic and ban us as well. Dont be a D... bro. Let us forget.la's get the 64 bit version, can be a skrit on the road. they can see whether you run 32-bit.
who run 32bit today (which hb)
open your eyes... this detection was about 32bit client....
Сontroversially. I didn't find any reports about soapbox 64bit bans. There are post that those who used 64bit version were not banned even in December, not to mention the February. I know it's a business, and nobody wants to loose their clients, but ... but it makes me wonder.
lol 64bit users of soap box got banned like 3 weeks ago... got about 70% of users on that botbase..
Hell even firehack got busted...
Yes, I would like to see HB moved over to 64- but for a performance reason.. the fact of the mater.. Blizzard for what ever reason, has changed it approach to botting (some might say because they sell gold now)
And for this- Bans for botting is going to become way more frequent, because botbases wont be able to keep up- the only reason they could before was blizzard didn't really care.
simple math- even at a low of 5million subs - that's over 50-million a month they are earning- even if they spend .1% of that on anti-botting that's still a shit load more then HB or any other botbase for that matter will be able to spend on anti-anti botting.
32 bit or 64 bit aint going to change that.
Exactly the point I was going to make.lol 64bit users of soap box got banned like 3 weeks ago... got about 70% of users on that botbase..
Hell even firehack got busted....
64bit won't bring anymore performance than 32bit. It'll be exactly the same.Yes, I would like to see HB moved over to 64- but for a performance reason
Exactly the point I was going to make.
People want Honorbuddy on 64bit because they think it'll reduce bans - but every other hack/bot out there that's on 64bit still has banwaves just as frequent as Honorbuddy.
64bit isn't going to reduce bans on anything.
64bit won't bring anymore performance than 32bit. It'll be exactly the same.
64bit merely allows for more access memory.
Simply put: It allows a program to operate over 4gigabytes of RAM whereas 32bit programs are limited to 4gigabytes - which Honorbuddy doesn't even come close to half a gigabyte under heavy operation.
You do realize I wasn't directly talking about Soapbox right? Hence why I left it out of my post..Geezus! Get your facts straight people. There was no banwave on SBR 3 weeks ago nor since Soap got rid of 32bit in December lol check his ban report section my lord.
If not lets make a thread on SBR forums now and link threads, or post threads from his ban report section oo wait people will laugh there. It was REEBOT mainly and EWT that got hit which use 32bit to be technical about it.
And for all the other nancys saying 32bit is detected for HB, The HB staff caught on with latest tripwire event about how we got done in may and December and admitted at least the possibility of current accounts being flagged for ban.
We had a banwave cool it was minor compared to may and December look at the facts.
Previous banwaves HB took auth servers offline, if they really thought they got caught they would of done the same and not risk more users getting the chop.