Also banned "temporarily" anyone know for how long the ban is? (first time i get ban)
My accounts got perma banned, but you can check the status of your account at this battlenet link: World of Warcraft
Also banned "temporarily" anyone know for how long the ban is? (first time i get ban)
Read a blue this week sayin they changed something about detection in BGs, not sure if related with all the bans lately
1/4 here just 20 minutes ago.
Also lost 3 with no email also.
lost 4 accounts no mail
lost one also and no email....
3/3 banned email sent "hacks" was the cause
These are ALL wonderful stories "BRO" but how about some actual feedback. What were you doing? Were you afk? What profile? Plugins? How long? locations? Did you have any auctions up? Did you sell gold etc etc etc etc etc because MAYBE, and this is just me being crazy I know it has no merit, but MAYBE there's a pattern to all this. Maybe not. We cannot know for sure unless you post something more concrete than "lost 1 just now BAN WAVE ZOMG"