Sorry for such a long abscence but was out for few days. Well, somebody back in the thread acused me of saying that i have some experience in botting and doing pretty noobish things. First thing i want to get straight is that i havent bottet with 12 accs same time. First 6 bots get banned and few days later another 6 got banned. Second thing is that yeah sure i may have been a little bit unsecure ( havent got private buyers, maybe posting too many aucitons on ah ) but comeone, im not implying that pirox was better but when i was using it over 20 bots were flying same time and the only bans were for getting too many reports, then gm check ups the character with teleport if bad resposne -> Banhammer, pretty much basic scenario. Something has changed for 100% there is many proofs for that, one of them is that im not getting same ban email like i did before, its not "third party software, bla bla 72 hours ban final warning" its automated with that abuse of economy auto ban, and only if i write an apply saying that i wasnt doing anything wrong they're responding with "you were botting u filthy scum .... wont uban you!". The other intresting thing is that I recived 6 bans same time on all accs then i have written same ticket in every acc and what? 2 got ubanned 4 perma banned. All were doing exacly same thing. Also i've created that thread so we could gather some information that maybe would help to cheat blizz script and avoid those bans, not to complain "i have 12 accs banned QQ"