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12/15 Banned - 3 team doing Random Heroic MoP - Only 3 Healers survived

Sorry I might be stupid but...what makes dungeon farming so profitable? The gold you get each random dungeon completed plus the few greens/blues you get. Doesn't seem like a lot of gold to me. Also it seems very risky and doesn't go so fast. Or am I wrong here?
Sorry I might be stupid but...what makes dungeon farming so profitable? The gold you get each random dungeon completed plus the few greens/blues you get. Doesn't seem like a lot of gold to me. Also it seems very risky and doesn't go so fast. Or am I wrong here?

It is not especially profitable. You'll get way more gold from flipping stuff.
I realize that I make the most money/gold by keeping my mouth shut :P hehehe... I hope you know what I mean.... >:P
Is the probability to receive a ban increase, if I run 5 bots EU & 5 bots US on same computer?
Sorry I might be stupid but...what makes dungeon farming so profitable? The gold you get each random dungeon completed plus the few greens/blues you get. Doesn't seem like a lot of gold to me. Also it seems very risky and doesn't go so fast. Or am I wrong here?

dont have to rely on posting auctions and relying on server economy to sell stuff.

you get raw gold.

simplier and easier to set up.

you can make more money auctioning off stuff and flipping it though but that requires a little bit more knowledge
dont have to rely on posting auctions and relying on server economy to sell stuff.

you get raw gold.

simplier and easier to set up.

you can make more money auctioning off stuff and flipping it though but that requires a little bit more knowledge

well there are different ways to farm dungeons.
that's what confuses people

Someone can mention making 900GPH and when another person tries it, he makes barely 300GPH, so then he wonders what happened

The difference is they were talking about different methods than the one reader tried out
dont have to rely on posting auctions and relying on server economy to sell stuff.

you get raw gold.

simplier and easier to set up.

you can make more money auctioning off stuff and flipping it though but that requires a little bit more knowledge

Knowledge is seldom the reason. People that run 15 bots have the required knowledge, they just know that flipping bots are fucking awesome for sub 5 bots, but above that it gets tiresome fast with setting it up etc...
Im not sure, could be one or more of the following:

1. Good ol' player reports, yeah some players are notorious /who'ers
2. Gold earned per day, dungeons done per day or mobs killed per day.
3. Deposit 5k per day to a guild bank, like which legit player would ever deposit that much gold to a gbank and not just have it on his character? Gold in gbanks is only used by bots to make the gold more "secure". Granted my guilds were lvl 25, but I dont think blizzard scripts cares about that.

Regarding 1: I really doubt reports would lead to synced ban on 10+ accounts.
I am 99% sure, the server auto-flags&bans the accounts, so have to be account behavior issue, which triggered the flag(s).

2. Gold per day should be not an issue, I still run some PP rogues with effective up-time 6-10/24, netting 5-8k/day, and they are still up after 2+months.
Dungeons per day could be some flag for real, especially repeatable ones, but I guess you were running random 5man HC, or predefined ones?
Mobs/day could be or not an issue - try running LFR 10hours daily for a week - Im pretty sure, you wont get a ban. Maybe they have different pools for mob kills, who knows :D

3. Guild withdraws/deposits are generally related to manual bans, people doing too much GBank legit transactions for scripts to filter them out.

I must add two points here:

4. If I am not wrong, the bots were aimed at single task only: farming dungeons - from the blizzard 's point of view - they are doing a single behavior - run 5man dungeons, no questing, no dailies, no raids, no scenarios, no pvp etc.

I see this pattern responsible for rush banning the majority of the dungeon/gather bots recently (Since 2014)
Any bot, aimed at 2 or more off the above tasks have much higher longevity!

5. Multibotting from single machine - the pattern is obvious:
Any common dungeon/gather/grind bot is lasting much longer if it do NOT share the same behavior (aka herbi/ore/dungeon farm) on the same machine (No matter physical or virtual) in the same time - the IP address doesnt matter.
And the ban chance is jumping to the heavens, if you bot with several characters in the same time, aka 5man dungeons or 6-7 gather bots, etc.

Have to add here your ban history too: If you have received auto-bans recently, the next ban comes much faster, with the very same botting behavior as before.

The above can be explained by the Blizzard's own wow installations/Windows registry, used for identification on every wow client, ran on the machine, and link them by certain criteria s. I am pretty sure, this is already scripted and heavily used by Blizzard to reveal and target multi-botters (Not the famous iP/MAC address, hwid or anything out of Blizzards authority)

P.S. I guess, you are running every 5man party on a dedicated machine, so they fell in the point 5?
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Yestarday i got banned too
3 accounts at same time.
One just hangout on city on the LFR queue and leveling tailor by hand (no bot in this time) and the other 2 farming dungeon each one in a diferent dungeon.

All got banned at same time.
Blizzard changed the password from the 3 accounts followed by a mail from wowaccountadmin warning about the ban for bot. =/

in 30min got 1 account ban removed (1y account) the other one changed to 72h suspension (1month account). And the 3 account permaban second offense.
Yestarday i got banned too
3 accounts at same time.
One just hangout on city on the LFR queue and leveling tailor by hand (no bot in this time) and the other 2 farming dungeon each one in a diferent dungeon.

All got banned at same time.
Blizzard changed the password from the 3 accounts followed by a mail from wowaccountadmin warning about the ban for bot. =/

in 30min got 1 account ban removed (1y account) the other one changed to 72h suspension (1month account). And the 3 account permaban second offense.
You let them dungeon queue with randoms ? that's asking for reports tbh
You let them dungeon queue with randoms ? that's asking for reports tbh

Not the one on queue for LFR is for do by my hand.

The others 2 is solo DG.

EDIT: I think someone report me on the toon doing DG and the all online account got ban too. (same computer same ip) The account rest of my accounts dont get banned cuz not loged on the same time
Hey i have a question its a bit offtopic, but im making money like you botting 4 teams 24/7
I have problem using HB and Arelog, my problem is that they are stucking and going offline when im not at home or sleeping.
I have question what have u used to not stuck or get offline?
Thanks in advice!
Hey i have a question its a bit offtopic, but im making money like you botting 4 teams 24/7
I have problem using HB and Arelog, my problem is that they are stucking and going offline when im not at home or sleeping.
I have question what have u used to not stuck or get offline?
Thanks in advice!
Get HBRelog! Simply as that.

Not the one on queue for LFR is for do by my hand.

The others 2 is solo DG.

EDIT: I think someone report me on the toon doing DG and the all online account got ban too. (same computer same ip) The account rest of my accounts dont get banned cuz not loged on the same time
I am afraid, the bans were probably without reports interaction.
It seems Blizzard have tightened their flag&ban algorithms recently, since you were caught with 3 bots online.

According to the ban reports section here, their pattern usually catchup several botting accounts, run under the same PC, in the same time, but the flag&ban always dodge the non-profit-botting and non-botting-at-all accounts.

If you use shifts on your botting sessions, w/o inter laps, there you could achieve much more longevity of them. By inter laps I meant you can farm dungeon on 1 acc, while other is resting, or doing non-botting behaviour, like leveling tailoring, LFR, or anything around.
Get HBRelog! Simply as that.

I am afraid, the bans were probably without reports interaction.
It seems Blizzard have tightened their flag&ban algorithms recently, since you were caught with 3 bots online.

According to the ban reports section here, their pattern usually catchup several botting accounts, run under the same PC, in the same time, but the flag&ban always dodge the non-profit-botting and non-botting-at-all accounts.

If you use shifts on your botting sessions, w/o inter laps, there you could achieve much more longevity of them. By inter laps I meant you can farm dungeon on 1 acc, while other is resting, or doing non-botting behaviour, like leveling tailoring, LFR, or anything around.

I dont know if i got banned for reports, but i think yes. One acc got reported and the others 2 online got banned, one got permaban.
Farming gundrak or others popular DG is risky. I see few ppl on front doing same Dg so probably another Bot owner report me (stupid thing to do).

For now farming with less acc at same time... less profit but less risky too. after my army is back i can farm again almost on full throttle.