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[100% AFKABLE][Working] All Act 2 Bounties

Hi , BOT stuck at "Clear the flooded Cave" Map Dahlgur Oasis , bot just keep on move between any clift , besides , I saw your posted set gold idle time might fix the problem , where is the option to set gold idle time ?
Hi , BOT stuck at "Clear the flooded Cave" Map Dahlgur Oasis , bot just keep on move between any clift , besides , I saw your posted set gold idle time might fix the problem , where is the option to set gold idle time ?

Hi, sometimes the bot just derps and its not the profile's fault.

Other times D3 updates or randomizes a particular ID to break bots.

Either way a gold idle timer is the solution(the best solution would be to have the devs fix everything but..).

One can be set in Trinity Settings under the advanced tab. There is a slider there.

Good Luck.
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Not sure what the issue is, Ive updated all profiles accordingly, it does one area goes to town and claims inactivity and stops bot, timers are set to over 5 mins, and yet its just timing out. Anyone else with issues or ideas? Also Archives of Aoltun Kulle, it just runs by the cursed shrine.
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Not sure what the issue is, Ive updated all profiles accordingly, it does one area goes to town and claims inactivity and stops bot, timers are set to over 5 mins, and yet its just timing out. Anyone else with issues or ideas? Also Archives of Aoltun Kulle, it just runs by the cursed shrine.


Disable DemonBuddy's idle timer (this is seperate from Trinity's idle timer) and see if that continues to happen.

You can disable this by setting it to 0 in the bot settings menu.

Disable DemonBuddy's idle timer (this is seperate from Trinity's idle timer) and see if that continues to happen.

You can disable this by setting it to 0 in the bot settings menu.
thats the reason
<ExploreArea questId="312429" stepId="2" until="ObjectFound" actorId="51293" pathPrecision="10" timeout="30"/>
how do you folks deal with the vile spewers in the different cavern ... they don't seem to count as environment or mobs, anyway to make the bots target them as regular mobs
This profile IS NOT 100% AFK so you should not advertise it as so.
I have been testing your profile for 2 days now.

I have only paragon leveled 2 times I am farming Torment 3.
at this point I am only showing blizzard that I am either AFK or a 5 year old is playing my game.

Maybe you are using different settings than I am or maybe it's not compatible with all classes.
Whichever the case may be I am playing a Wizard. The profile seems to do okay with clearing the map however it does not reach it's goal very efficiently.
I have seen many cases with the bot going into a cave and exiting without entering the 2nd part of the cave (when it's required for a bounty) and then just aimlessly wondering around the map killing stuff.
This is a clever idea but it still needs work I will be keeping my eye on it.
This profile IS NOT 100% AFK so you should not advertise it as so.
I have been testing your profile for 2 days now.

I have only paragon leveled 2 times I am farming Torment 3.
at this point I am only showing blizzard that I am either AFK or a 5 year old is playing my game.

Maybe you are using different settings than I am or maybe it's not compatible with all classes.
Whichever the case may be I am playing a Wizard. The profile seems to do okay with clearing the map however it does not reach it's goal very efficiently.
I have seen many cases with the bot going into a cave and exiting without entering the 2nd part of the cave (when it's required for a bounty) and then just aimlessly wondering around the map killing stuff.
This is a clever idea but it still needs work I will be keeping my eye on it.

1. I ran this profile off and on for two weeks. It's your settings bro.
2. The bot can screw up sometimes, but its never something a simple trinity idle timer doesn't fix.
3. I've updated the original post to include the settings I'm using.

There may be a few bugs still left in some of the quests.. It is however 100% afkable.

Also please check your plugins!

Use Trinity 2.1.9 and QuestTools 2.1.22 from SVN, don't enable armory or any other plugins (they are glitchy).

Just set your settings to mine and relax.
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-Enter the flooded cave

-I watch it walk past the cave entrance 3 times, wandering.

Works I guess.. but eh..

The guy is right, it doesn't reach the goals efficiently, it's clearing the map, what does that have to do with mob settings? (Which I have copied 100%)
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The issue is not the profile but rather your demonbuddy location. In order to fix the ../ appendage with every profile load I moved demonbuddy to a static location.

Namely copy or cut your demonbuddy folder to your c: drive and change its name to "Alpha" and make sure you have the correct path.

The correct path for the static path currently set in the xml files is

So make sure your A2 folder is in C:\Alpha\Profiles\Bounties\Acts\

If this folder does not exist then create it.

Alternatively you can rename
in all the .xml files to whatever your path to demonbuddy is.

This can be done quickly using notepad++'s find in files/replace all feature.

Please reply if this helped you.

Update: I have fixed the TrinityLoadProfile issue.. It should all work as expected now. I recommend redownloading A2.zip.

So this makes the bot 0% Afkable... i dont want to move my bot to my C: drive just because it cant reconize the right path. This means your Xml file needs a bit of tweeking :) Since every other profiles works just fine with my Current location ill just wait for another 100% afkable profile for act 2. nice work tho :) ;Thumbsup;
So this makes the bot 0% Afkable... i dont want to move my bot to my C: drive just because it cant reconize the right path. This means your Xml file needs a bit of tweeking :) Since every other profiles works just fine with my Current location ill just wait for another 100% afkable profile for act 2. nice work tho :) ;Thumbsup;

That's probably because the other profiles don't load as many xml files... the issue is with Demonbuddy's handling of the recursive "../" pathing.. it has nothing to do with the profile.. You can try to revert all the paths to the "../" form.. but you will encounter the maximum string length issue for paths.

I'm not responsible for bugs caused by the bot.. the profile works fine. The issue with entering the tomb is also a demonbuddy pathing issue.. the code is CORRECT and 100% afkable.
needs to be babysit, fucks up when cursed chests appear, walks forward, backwards, forward, backwards.. also when bounties done.. banks, sells/salvage, repair, ends game fuck cashe...
I think this needs an update - doesnt work really any more - the bot often gets stuck at one bounty quite random tbh and never finishes 5 bounties EVER (24 hours of testing now) - all settings and prerequisites are met - it worked fine before the begin of season 2 and the patch!

The bot also often just enters the wrong dungeon (f.e. in the desolate sands or dahlgur oasis, where there are more than 1 dungeon option on the different spots) he just gets into the first one he encounters, no matter if its the right dungeon or not.

Maybe some worldactorIDs changed?

A fix would be very much appreciated, as I said the profile worked fine before, thumbs up!
Hey Man, just downloaded the profile and doing some testing.
I've done all the folder set up and trinity set ups identical to what you have, and it is working... but...
After loading into a game and completing bounty, instead of reloading the Act2 loader and doing the next bounty the bot is actually just stopping.
I then have to manually re load the Act2 Loader.

I can add a log if needed, wondering if you have any idea what that may be, cheers. and thanks for the profile.
If someone would donate to me a D3 Reaper of Souls key, I'll look into fixing this..

I lost mine in the banwave a while back that's why no updates.