Will this finish out the questline for Suramar at 110?
Also this will unlock the third relic slot? Does it wait for you manually to do the dungeons or how does that work?
Hello trader!
Yes, this will finish the Suramar questline for 11/11 "Good Suramaritan" and will complete the "Loremaster of Legion" meta achievement, required for Legion Flying, which will be unlocked with patch 7.2
Regarding the Class Campaigns, which unlock the Third Relic slot, they are just preview, temporary added as bonus to our customers (for several weeks)
Once they are completed, the Class Campaigns will be released as separate product on the store.
Hello, friend.
I am trying to test the script, so i can figure to buy or not, but i am having too much troubles with it.
First of all, three of my chars are going to the same spot, at the same cave we do withered army, but not in that instance, and they just got stuck there, waiting for something to happen.
Goal: InteractWith-767ce8: In Progress (no associated quest)
Interacting with MobId(254009)
[Ref: "[QB][110]Suramar, by Aion" @line 1441]
I´ve tried to do DH classhall, but it got stucked, waiting to pick a quest for a follower i already have. So it is kind of frustrating.
So, i decided to come here for 3 reasons: first, i know penlty of ur old scripts, they are cool; second, Zinner spoke very well about your scripts, and he is someone i consider; third, the whitered army beta script is SUPER COOL and worked 100% afk for me. That was completely insane..... Very very good job indeed.
Then i realized that maybe i´ve had done quests with my chars that ur script is not reading it or jumping to the next one after some time stucked at the same place.
Peace, bro.
Hello Raneskaple!
In the Suramar profile, on line 1441, the bot is looting the "Volatile Leyline Crystal" item, increasing the Ancient mana cap with +100. The only valid exception, when the bot could really "stuck" there, is if you have already looted the "Volatile Leyline Crystal" item before, but keep the item in the bags, instead of using it, so thanks for this, just fixed this rare exception, should be ready for the next update, in case this is your issue.
Out of your detailed explanations for the DH issue, you probably have corrupted cache in the Honorbuddy installation. This is the sole reason, why the bot is attempting to complete a quest, already completed, so Fresh HB reinstall is the best solution here.
Corrupting the cache is not so hard, sometimes we forgot to kill HB, before relogging characters etc.
Regarding "scripts not reading quests" - the profiles uses the Honorbudy core systems for handling quests, which inherit the ingame quests, the WoW client is reading. But since both WoW client and HB client uses cache mechanisms to access previously used data, like quests completed etc, if something fails in this chain, this directly affect the profiles functionality.
Meanwhile, for more detailed and specific issue-solving, please provide an unedited logfile for each problem you face. Sometimes 3rd party stuff mess with the Questing bot, something which we cannot predict, unless a log is provided.
Thanks and happy botting!