Hey Aion, what's the word on an update?
Update 1.7 have been approved this morning!
As summary:
The leveling is 100% ready, including all the side-quests in the 4 leveling zones, so people can easily cap 98+ lvl characters from Broken Isles questing only.
Meanwhile, several 101,103 and 110 lvl "Class Halls"-related quest chains are added for several classes (excluding the missions support), like Druid, Rogue, Shaman, DK, DH:
- Recruiting the first batch of 2x 100lvl champions,
- Recruiting the second batch of 2x 102lvl champions
- Class Halls Research
- First tier of troops.
- Second tier of troops.
Currently, there is no detailed changelog for each class on the progress above, the coding is done as side work, while leveling batches for Suramar testing and its yet to be sorted and tested, but its working, so far.
Finishing Suramar is next!