Heat wasn't an issue. The whole setup doesn't even consume 1 kilowatt with monitors.
Unfortunately, the profit just isn't there and I'm temporarily offline. I've gotten a -ton- of warnings from Blizzard in the last few weeks. Even running custom profiles, doing things other than farming. I can BG Bot 24/7, and have tested this, never gotten a warning. I have tried mining in the empty zones (Vashj'ir), doing short interval mining (mine for 2 hours, BG for 1 hour, log off for 2 hours, things like that). At this point the only cause for it I can see is Blizzard is flagging my accounts because they're generating 100-150k gold in less than 2 months of being started.
I know its not player reports getting me banned, I've yet to get one for 3rd party. All of them have been related to "abuse of economy", and the first warning always shows up around the time they've passed 50-75k gold. Doesn't matter which profession [I've done inscription, mining, herbalism, even Alchemy]. CoD vs Auctions is also not the flag. So far I've gotten most bans reversed, although 4 of them stuck because they were the third time. I know they haven't traced it to gold selling because I've never finished a sale (they got 3 of my accounts taken down a few days before I wanted to sell them off).
I've let a few accounts expire for now, going to try renewing up again a few months down the road to see if account age (regardless of total subscribed time) factors into it at all. Maybe wait until Mists of Pandaria is close when the gold price surges for the new gold sinks.