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0.15 Euro/k to Chinese Gold Sellers on EU realms?

Noone will ever tell you if they'd know. More people knowing, the faster it'll get hotfixed + less profit if they don't get caught.

Blizzard morons are slow as always there are quite many threads about that topic on the official forums, dont know what they are doing ...
Your best bet is do what Im doing, wich is: advertise on a popular advertise website in ur region, find a guild wich is comfortable with having a botter in their guild, and are willing to buy him gold weekly (i sell around 100k gold a week at 1$ us / k gold), instant bank x-fer every monday.

Raid with them, make them like you, and there you go.

I make around 500$ a month with 2 account running, minus the monthly fee (30bucks), not bad as a sideline imo.

Took me 2 month to find this guild.

Sure LOL, they would ask an insane amount for this info, if they can manage this properly, this could make them profit in the six zeros zone for sure, it's free gold at 10$ going out for the "group" managing the chinese selling websites. (Yes, they are all from the same group, this is obvious from along time ago)
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Guys before i get more PMs about that shit, just google "RAoV", maybe add "dupe"
I doubt that they sold it for less then 20.000 USD ...
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Guys before i get more PMs about that shit, just google "RAoV", maybe add "dupe"
I doubt that that they sold it for less then 20.000 USD ...

LOL, people actually think that anyone who knows about this would tell it for free or to anyone who asks ... get real, like I said, if this is managed good, this could be worth millions (really)
Botting in raids is just pathetic, why do you even play the game then? I would never ever bot raids or heroics. I can play so much better. Botting heroic raids is impossible anyway, there are too many mechanics now.

I have 10 85's and I run BH, he 5mans, and LFR with all of them. I have a healing priest, healing druid, tanking pally, and the rest are dps. I will be adding a healing shaman this week. I use lazyraider on all of them except the hunter. I don't have a clue how to heal at all on any toon, but CC/lazyraider does. I don't have a clue how to play a DK at all, but lazyraider can rape the meters for me. I bot because I don't want to learn all the buttons over again on all my toons. Sometimes I'll play by hand but sometimes lazyraider out does me on dps because I forget something.