the market is bad.Haven't sold gold since beginning of Dec and just checked prices today!
It was around 0.3-0.4euro's before has the market gone to hell? or am I just in a really bad server?
Honorbuddy got too big for it's own good. It's barely profitable to be in the gold business today.
Not really that.
gold in vanilla was expensive because 1000g would last you a month.
Now 1000g will last you a day if not less, and its much easier to make gold than it was back in vanilla tbc e.t.c
not quite true, if you do bot and get 15k average then you should really invest time in getting the right CC, where as my bot does 40k dps on a dummy I'd do 43 which is max for my gear.How many of the botters raid LEGIT without lazyraider? Many. One reason why the majority averages 15k dps.
Botting in raids is just pathetic, why do you even play the game then? I would never ever bot raids or heroics. I can play so much better. Botting heroic raids is impossible anyway, there are too many mechanics now.
Yeah the prices are ridiculous, they ware around 0.2 - 0.24 €/k last saturday, today we finally reached 0.08€/k ... :/
As someone already mentioned, its a dupe hack . RAoV confirmed that they have that shit working, but of course they dont tell ppl how to get that, i somewhere read that the guys "sell" this to chinese companies for a percentage of their daily earnings, also that they sold that info for several thousands of $ - of course this info is unconfirmed (selling that expensive) but absolutely imaginable for me.
It started like in the middle of November, first there was a dupe hack with "sands of the times" which is a reagent you can buy from a vendor only, for 3.000 G and use it for crafting the "Vial of the Sands", lots of people were selling these for like 1k which made absolutely no sense ...
Currently they somehow dupe the epic gems - ever asked yourself how a lvl 1 toon got 220 epic red gems just two weeks after the release of the last patch and selling them damn cheap, they just duped the shit out of the gems.
So until this is not solved by Blizzard our gold is worthless to Chinese buyers, if Blizzard does not solve it soon, our gold will be worthless anyways, just because more and more ppl will already have bought everything they need from this content, also we cant say how much Gold the Chinese buyers have aquired through duping - maybe enough to not buy any gold for several monts.
Cheers Proceed
I'm sure you underestimate the amount that bots nowdays, it went from grinding/farming to pretty much full automation. I play on multiple servers and i can confirm there are about the same amount of players botting percentage wise.not quite true, if you do bot and get 15k average then you should really invest time in getting the right CC, where as my bot does 40k dps on a dummy I'd do 43 which is max for my gear.
Don't pretend the whole world is botting, we are only a sum of players but not the largest.
Noone will ever tell you if they'd know. More people knowing, the faster it'll get hotfixed + less profit if they don't get caught.How to get this "Dupe Hack" ?
How to get this "Dupe Hack" ?