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Revolution X - The Honorbuddy Helper (Improved & Updated!)


New Member
Apr 27, 2012
Hello everybody,

Today I will be sharing with you my updated version of the honorbuddy helper I created, Revolution X.

This program is very very useful, you have to check it out for your self, and if you want something adding to the program, whether it's support or a cool tool leave a comment below and I will add it very very fast!

Here is the virus scan of the (.ZIP):

Here is the virus scan of the (.EXE):

This program is mostly aimed at new users of honorbuddy, but if you are not new I still want you to try it out and leave some feedback! =)


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This was approved by Tony

@ users - stop QQ'ing and reporting it!
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- tutorial about purchasing honorbuddy step by step
- recommended bots to use to level 80

and soon im adding things like how to stay safe when botting and just more and more stuff, please check it out and tell me what you think !

The Attachment has been approved by Tony. it should be safe to use.
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i checked the first release(posted on another thread)
from now on users must check the updates :)
- I'm missing "previous step" button + this is "step 1 of x"
- What's the purpose of 2nd option? "custom hb launcher"?
- I'd recommend absolutely different way to level.
- Add explanation why are some methods marked as high/low chance of getting caught. also, I'd say BGbuddy is med/hight, and archaelogy is low :/

-add basic description of each botbase
lazyraider/raidbot-use this for raiding, you need raiding CC for this, you need to move manually.....
questing- profiles are in defaultprofiles\questing... you load them here, required plugins are setup here, like this....
autoangler-you get it here, profiles are on the forum, setup it like this...
-what profile, plugin, botbase.....means, when you use some of theese terms in guide, make it mouse-over-able, with explanation what it means.

I like the graphics of this :) but except from the "how to purchase" part, there's not much usefull info. There's a loooong way ahead, before this can be linked to new users with "look at this, you'll find all info there"..
Yeah, I am trying to work on this. But I'm having a long hard think of a useful tool I can make for not just new people, everyone. PM me ideas if you wish :)
I strongly advise that people avoid using this executable file, in my personal opinion I think that if Tony (Super Moderator) doesn't check every release (as he has stated) then a future release could contain a virus/spyware.

Please note that you take the risk of being infected with a virus/spyware and you should be aware of the risks of closed source, as executable files can also be changed and you won't know what you're running, Connors reluctance to release the source of every release is very worrying and not in the spirit of forum of being open and transparent with nothing to hide but it looks like he is hiding the source of the file so we can't see what it does.

Risks of Closed Source (in General):

1. Keyloggers (Spyware)
2. Viruses
3. Stealing your Credit Credit information
4. Stealing your gaming accounts such as World of Warcraft, Rift etc.
5. Commercialization in the future

This is not a offensive or demeaning remark only clarity on the risk of future releases which are not checked by Tony or others (virus test links mean nothing since most viruses don't look infected, ironically they use these sites to test the viruses effectiveness).

Kind Regards,
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Okay, just so I can teach you something, Stealing credit card information, world of warcraft accounts and everything else would come under one topic. Keylogger.

Secondly, Tony did check it and I actually had someone on earlier post check the source code and they said it was fine, please stop Q_Qing or just go.

I don't care if you do / don't download it, but if you do, download it and if you don't do not troll on my thread.

Don't listen to these people, I fully support this project.

If you are scared of viruses, keyloggers or commercial use then this is not for you!
If you didn't tested this and still want to express your fear then I strongly suggest to talk to someone outside of this forum.
Nobody forces anyone to use this programm nor is it required for any usage with Honorbuddy itself!

But I strongly recommend you Connor to make a detailed post to avoid such drama. Pictures and description will turn the skepticalness down.


I wouldn't trust this.

Everything else on here is uncompiled, why should this be any different?

If you want to avoid shadyness and giving people excuses to hate your stuff, then provide the source code. You're not exactly Bill Gates with a multi-million dollar idea.
Also, if you want to show someone step by step on how to purchase honorbuddy and what stuff to do to get to level 80, then make a fricking video. Much more entertaining than some dogshit exe file that could contain ANYTHING.
I'm going to have to agree with Giwin. If you you can't enclose the source to this, there is no way anybody should be getting close to this exe. Whilist it maybe approved by tony, I don't know your intentions a week from now, a year from now, when you change that upload and add in malicious code to try and steal users passwords.