In the event that lootfilter fails to pattern match a particular item which is meant to be discarded, is it possible to provide some backup logic inside of HB to "blacklist" looting a particular corpse so that we don't continue to go back to the corpse over and over again? Maybe set an autoloot timeout?
I imagine this kind of behavior might raise an eyebrow or two of any players who may be in the area. There a few nuisance items in the game such as OOX-09/HL Distress Beacon which doesn't always get matched by lootfilter by either the general catch all "quest items" category or the specific name pattern #(.*)Distress Beacon$.
I imagine this kind of behavior might raise an eyebrow or two of any players who may be in the area. There a few nuisance items in the game such as OOX-09/HL Distress Beacon which doesn't always get matched by lootfilter by either the general catch all "quest items" category or the specific name pattern #(.*)Distress Beacon$.