WTF,, how many have HB 20.. seems like i am the only one without it.. sucks
A few selected beta testers.WTF,, how many have HB 20.. seems like i am the only one without it.. sucks
A few selected beta testers.
Can i ask you when the Beta started m8..
There are bigger problems than that with Cataclysm.
Yes I know because of the changed maps and so on. I hope you'll get a beta-key so you can update HB/GB soon after release^^
Haha, that would be awesome, but unlikely (unless something is willing to donate one!).
Already working the gears to get you one. See if I can pull some strings (or just give you mine).
it's the good the way buddy products are expanding and becoming a very intelligant system but it wont be long till blizz focus warden on are products, i know over the laws in bossland's/hawker's country that blizz cant sue them but everyone know's when the warden guy focuses on something to detect he will succeed, cypher and kynox are 2 of the handfull of people that know more abount warden then anyone else but you saw what the warden guy done to there LuaNinja, ill be alot happier if the security was improved on the product since tripwire is not enough when the warden guy is on a rampage or maybe ask kynox to jump on Dev team since he help's WI with there security.
after watching all videos i must say thats an amazing work you've done, but i wanna ask something. the nav system always chose the shortest path? Is there any way to choose between shortest or safest path? cause i can see in several ocasions that he runs by risky spots. And been able to chose like a gps device, to chose the style of path would be mad. is this even possible or didnt i made myself clear?! what i mean is a kind of safe navigation mode that stills chose the shortest path but trying to keep a safe distance from edges of meshs.
anyway thank you guys!
[video=youtube;aR9yVuupwfY][/video]nice nice - thou i would like to see a teaser of how it handles bridges like thunderbluff and indoor areas? possible? also if interact is there why havent we seen it be used for bgs in cc?