by this plugin can i make
Forged Cobalt Claymore automatically: take a post, make claymore, sell claymore to vendor, take a post..
thanks in advance))))
I redid code that he did claymore, but he comes to the forge, and not to the anvil. Maybe anybody will tell me what to fix?by this plugin can i make
Forged Cobalt Claymore automatically: take a post, make claymore, sell claymore to vendor, take a post..
thanks in advance))))
I cant get it to prospect
I have download the plugin
I have enable the plugin
i have wrote this into the blank profile
2770, //Copper Ore
2771, //Tin Ore
2772, //Iron Ore
3858, //Mithril Ore
10620, //Thorium Ore
23424, //Fel Iron Ore
23425, //Adamantite Ore
36909, //Cobalt Ore
36912, //Saronite Ore
53038, //Obsidium Ore
52185, //Elementium Ore
And i have set it on combat bot
I have load the profile
But nothings happens.
What to do?
update online guys, all but basics have been stripped and mail should work better now... check it out and let me know how it goesand donations would be great guys as i put alot of hours into this plugin
dude this allrounder is so crapy it keeps crashing my HB all the time and wow and even if i enable it wtf do i have to do to select on the main option where u have the options like instancebuddy,gatherbuddy etc cause HB hasnot got proffessionbuddy option at all now so fucked up i am so angry
Allrounder By Alpha
place Allrounder folder into plugins folder.
enable allrounder in HB plugins tab
open settings and enable what you want toon to do
open guildwithdraw and set.. open guilddeposit and set..
save settings
Select CombatBot and load the blank profile attached
start bot..
(would only use Guildwithdraw with crafting toon and not for usual use of HB as it spams guild open then craft so dont AFK).. you have been warned..![]()