Found the problem myselfit seems that this profil doesnt work with chars under lvl 60
so i just changed it to 40 and it works now
over 4.5k kills no sign of either hat or bird yet, but no sign of me giving up....i want my 15k gold!!
edit: been farming here since for about 24 hours more with another 3.5k kills, still nothing ...zzz...i continue, will update when bird drops
41.500 kills, and 5 birds, none sold yet :S
Stupid question: How is anyone actually getting this profile and mesh to work? Both mounted and unmounted, it walks off the edge of the dock after going to the vendor.
Use my xml at the top of page 10. I took out the vendor and mail. Just turn on loot filter and trash all but blues+ and the hat thing
Yes.Are you the only one listing?
Ergf. I was hoping to save and mail greens for disenchants.
So it looks like the mesh is useful only if you disable vendor and mail? Bleagh.
[1:49:28:390] Error - sync2: ReadUInt at 0xEB84B10 failed.