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HB ARCHIVES: Kick's Old Posts Thread--DO NOT DELETE!

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damn there'S another issue with this quest ...

i'll report bug in some minutes i think i "fixed" the wrong line....

yeah it'S the cannon, both coordinates are wrong (yours and mine), and the collection of the last quest item is wrong ...
i'll provide a fix in a few minutes
okay ... forget it ...

the problem was i used IB and Questing together

after returning from the dungeon - HB checked the QuestOrder
Found the condition
<If Condition="((HasQuest(27600)) &amp;&amp; (!IsQuestCompleted(27600)))" >

tried to get to the first cannon (with swimming to the sea)
second try
- startet the bot at the boat
- quest was finished (i did the last step manually)
- bot skipped last step (use second cannon) and tried to turn in the quest, which is not working while on the boat

Sorry for bothering u, this was my mistake -.-, do not apply the changes ;)
yeah the issue w/ it being completed is that if i left it in that completion state... then if a user started it at the base (while having quest completed), then it would try an swim to the boat =( its quite retarded
Ok Kick. I'm counting on you. Starting to bot only ally toons as you do such a great job of keeping your profiles updated. :)
Hi Bobby
HonorBuddy Mode: Lazyrider
Shamans Location:Zul Gurub
What should have happened (be specific):Not cleanse
What did happen (be specific):It did cleanse
System time of issue (log time stamp):Is not saving the setting to not cleanse
I have been trying to run through the new dungeons but I keep getting this error (error tilemap is null). I have been using lazyraider bot and shamwow cc. If I start the bot before entering the instance most of the time is fine but I've run into some funny bugs which I m not sure if is due to this.
The other thing is that even though I unselected cleanse and saved the changes; acording to the log it seems it didnt happen and not sure why that is, and of course the toon continued to cleanse. Many thanks for any help and I have attached the last log.
Hi Bobby just attaching another log as the cleansing issue is making impossible to heal the new dungeons I have tried to save the no cleansing a few times but as the bot is reseting it continues to cleanse and due to the mechanics of the new dungeons it is impossible to heal as it is at the moment.
Many thanks for your help
tilemap error i have to
My Use of this in The new release of ZA went fine, however in ZG I also got the Tilemap error
That is a NavMesh issue. Either the zone wasn't meshed or there was an issue with it being recognized correctly by HonorBuddy. Even though you are in control of the movement, the NavMesh is still required by other components like the CC used to calculate distances, line of sight, etc. Thank you for the detailed post Tekken. I'll look into that and respond in the ShamWOW thread as others had questions on the cleansing as well.
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Hy highvoltz got same prob a fesh HB install

ProfessionBuddy: Adding TradeSkill Cooking

System.Exception: Unable to load Cooking

at HighVoltz.TradeSkillFrame.GetTradeSkill(SkillLine skillLine, Boolean blockFrame) in e:\Hots\Honorbuddy\Plugins\ProfessionBuddy\Tradeskill.cs:line 172

at HighVoltz.Professionbuddy.loadTradeSkills() in e:\Hots\Honorbuddy\Plugins\ProfessionBuddy\ProfessionBuddy.cs:line 391

ProfessionBuddy: Importing from DataStore...

ProfessionBuddy: No DataStore addon found

Issue with Render's Army quest. Tries to hand in to the Marshal in Goldshire, when infact it should be going to Marshal Marris in Redridge :).
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happening often...whats this...tryed to abandon quest....hmmm

Could not create current in quest bot; exception was thrown
The type initializer for 'Styx.Logic.Profiles.ProtectedItemsManager' threw an exception.
Here it is - I stopped and started hb a few times hence why there may be some repeats (i think). My character did not dc or go to the log in screen whilst honorbuddy was open (i believed that was a problem with the fps earlier).
Another problem - Trying to pick up quest "John J.Keeshan". it keeps interacting with - "Colonel Troteman". Just a guess that something up because a quest hand in is about 5 yrds away with the npc -"Magistrate Solomon".

Debug log attached

Side note : Handed in the quest - "Canyon Romp" started bot it's fine.

EDIT: Whenever it tried to hand in to what should be "Magistrate Solomon" it makes this mistake.
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Getting a lot of:

[[COLOR="darkorange"]SetPullDistance(warning)]: *****
* THIS BEHAVIOR IS DEPRECATED, and may be retired in a near, future release.
* SetPullDistance adds _no_ _additonal_ _value_ over the UserSettings behavior.
* Please update the profile to use the UserSettings behavior.

Also... can you add something like auto train without it running 4/5 zones back to the trainer in the middle of a quest. ;)
Here is the the run down of all the tests
I restart HB for each test and it creates a new log so I will rename each log to match the test.
Set up:
removed all WoW plugins ( not just disabled but actually removed them)
re-installed fresh instance of HB with only the supplied ad-dons

#1 Combat/Heal bot, Blank Profile, standing in front of guild bank at Daleran
Unable to load Alchemy error at start
Blank PB panels when loaded
loaded [Alchemist](1-500)(Dalaran AH).xml
Click start (on PB)
Leave?s bank, mounts ground mount, cicles between trainer and AH till i stop it.

#2 Do Nothing, no Profile, standing in front of guild bank at Daleran
Unable to load Alchemy error at start
Blank PB panels when loaded
loaded [Alchemist](1-500)(Dalaran AH).xml
Click start (on PB)
PB button stays red but does not start HB

#3 GB2, Blank GH2 Profile, standing in front of guild bank at Daleran
Unable to load Alchemy error at start
Blank PB panels when loaded
loaded [Alchemist](1-500)(Dalaran AH).xml
Click start (on PB)
PB button stay red but does not start HB

#4 Questing, Blank Profile, standing in front of guild bank at Daleran
Unable to load Alchemy error at start
Blank PB panels when loaded
loaded [Alchemist](1-500)(Dalaran AH).xml
Click start (on PB)
PB button stay red but does not start HB

If you notice the gap in time between tests it is due to the loss of internet.
I live on an Island in SW Florida and if a someone farts wile crossing the bridge we loose internet!!
I am literally 120 feet from the node (notice I did not say ?A node?) and this shit still happens all the F*%!ing time!! and don?t even get me started on cell service we have had to resort to smoke signals!!...
OK I digress...

for my last test ( i will add that log as well)
I started with same set up as test one, stopped it at trainer, changed to do nothing, reloaded script, click start same and had same dance as with Combat heal, changed to GB2 and got error text ( you will see in log) but did not start, changed to Grind and went back to same as #1 again ant thats when my Internet went out again.

Additional observations:
If I start HB with PB enabled and with the trade skill open it closes the in game skill panel and the error it gives me is for another trade skill but it still did not populate the PB panel.

If you can think of any other testing I can do that will assist with this please let me know I will be happy to help.

I did use PB on another toon toon to level Herb and Mining and even though I was getting the same errors on the trade skills and the blank panels it got him from 1 to 525 flawlessly.
any way to set him to fly. Some of his paths are pulling multi mobs and he has died 2 times just on this one quest riding thru 2 onslaught camps. These are on the road to the turn in so I thought ok
he is just going to the turn in.
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musodan said:
Could not create current in quest bot; exception was thrown
The type initializer for 'Styx.Logic.Profiles.ProtectedItemsManager' threw an exception.

That's nice! Sometimes, HB sometimes prints messages in a pretty blue color or me!

The point, of course, is that such information is useless to chase the problem, or look for ways to repeat it.

Please attach your log, and tell what you were doing when it triggered. Did *you* try to manually abandon the quest while HB was running, or did the profile attempt it? What level were you, what area were you hunting in, or if you were fortunate enough to see what quest step it was on--that kind of information would actually be helpful.

The log will tell us things like on what HB version did this happen, which OS are you running, which plugins, and CC were you using, and a wealth of useful information for chasing problems. The 'last 100 lines' of a log are completely useless--the whole thing is needed.

Downloaded the latest QO from SVN this morning. Started a Hunter.

Edit: Now level 31, 20 hours played, with *zero* interaction from me. Awesome work as always Kick.

*You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to Kickazz006 again.*
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