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[Release] RebornBuddy64 Version 1.0.686 - DirectX11 / x64 bit compatible

The hotbar slot needs to have a keybound to it otherwise it won't pulse.

It has a keybind assigned to it. From all the classes I have tried (8 of them) this is the only skill that doesn't pulse.

The next time that you modify the builtin quest behaviors is it possible you could adjust HandOver and TurnIn? I had to copy them into new tags in order to restrict trying to handin equipped items now that I reversed the in-game equip recommended items and more botbases are using it. They both use "var items = InventoryManager.FilledInventoryAndArmory.ToArray();"
then check for HQ or NQ items. I had to switch it to
var items = InventoryManager.FilledInventoryAndArmory.Where(i => i.BagId != InventoryBagId.EquippedItems).OrderByDescending(i => i.Count).ToArray();
Granted the addition of autoequip isn't your problem but it does point out that it's physically impossible to handover an equipped item so the tag can get stuck into an infinite loop of thinking it has the item and trying to hand over from an equipped slot and I'd rather extend the use of the original tag than duplicate it. The OrderBy is to prioritize the number of items so if HQ isn't needed it'll use a larger NQ stack before trying a smaller HQ stack which might not have enough of the quest item to hand in just because it's internally stored in a closer bagslot.

Also the desynth tag still doesn't work and now that CN is on the same desynth version maybe it can be fixed. GetDesynthesisChance doesn't need to be checked anymore and none of desynth tags work even exmatt's. I made a tag in Llama Library which uses a different desynth function that doesn't require opening the window so there's no checkbox to get stuck on (which seems to also work on the CN version). But like the other tags I'd rather stick to supplementing base functionality in LL instead of replacing it.

One last request when you have time, since it'll come up when CN gets there as well. When they added ishgard restoration they added a new Special Currency for Sky builder's scrips which will also be used in 5.2, its not included in the enum so for the currency exchange window it wouldn't work and to buy stuff I needed to duplicate all that code. It's item 28063.
public static int GetSkybuilderScrips()

     return (int) SpecialCurrencyManager.GetCurrencyCount((SpecialCurrency) 28063);
The function is okay for internal methods but using ShopExchangeCurrency functionality it breaks since the enum isn't there it tries looking in currency bag and decides you don't have any.

There is also that whole zone which can't be navigated, The Filament which is the restoration's zone and accessible through the foundation from ground and the Aetheryte (WorldManager.ZoneId == 886). The zone, vendors, quest givers and handin npcs all have to accessed off mesh with forced moves. Not super important but since it seems that zone (tiny, no flying) will be around at least till the next expansion and is crucial now to leveling crafters it would be great to have a unified ability to navigate there.
I don't think anyone pointed out desynth being broken, which is why I was super confused why it was broken on the cn side. I've already fixed it for the cn users so ill just port that change over.

Does it just make more sense to remove EquippedItems from FilledInventoryAndArmory internally? Not sure it really belongs there, not sure if theres any documented uses where its looking specifically for something equipped. Or maybe ill just add a new inventorymanager.blah here for that so we don't have to filter

Pushing a new build with working desynth and the updated special currencies.

Doing a full remesh now of all the zones, ill push a update in a few hours once its done.

Sadly my health isn't great so I don't have as much time to play as I'd like so I rely on these things being brought to my attention.
I've just deployed the updated meshes, let me know if you have any issues now.
I use the EquippedItems filter to check gear condition for repair purposes, but it's not essential since you can also just filter by bag ID and GetBagsByInventoryBagId(). As long as that stays it's fine to remove the other one.
I think it makes more sense to just add a new item, who knows what code is floating around out there that might rely on that behavior.
GetTo doesn't work with the new zone(886). It doesn't have an aetheryte, it needs to be navigated from the Foundation aetheryte.

Yea, supporting the aetheryte would require a whole new custom chunk of code for that one link. Adding a connection for the npc would be easier, probably have to settle for that for the moment.
Sorry I tend to just try to provide a solution with things come up on the many discords and it seems users tend to complain there first. I'll try to filter the issues here as they come up. I agree the non-equipped items should be a separate list, though the ordering is important with quest item handins/turnins because of the possibility of mixed NQ/HQ, we tried using conditions to check if you have 12 NQ or 12 HQ but if you say have 12 NQ and 2 HQ and the HQ is in a earlier bagslot without the count ordering it can try to handin the 2 HQ. I do have code block for handling the Aethernet option for the firament but it would require a check to make sure you completed the quest that unlocked that option. On a side note I've started trying to document some of my reversing techniques starting with RemoteWindows sendaction params but will be continuing onto greymagic and IDA patterns when I get some more done I'll make a forum post on the community dev forum.
Sorry I tend to just try to provide a solution with things come up on the many discords and it seems users tend to complain there first. I'll try to filter the issues here as they come up. I agree the non-equipped items should be a separate list, though the ordering is important with quest item handins/turnins because of the possibility of mixed NQ/HQ, we tried using conditions to check if you have 12 NQ or 12 HQ but if you say have 12 NQ and 2 HQ and the HQ is in a earlier bagslot without the count ordering it can try to handin the 2 HQ. I do have code block for handling the Aethernet option for the firament but it would require a check to make sure you completed the quest that unlocked that option. On a side note I've started trying to document some of my reversing techniques starting with RemoteWindows sendaction params but will be continuing onto greymagic and IDA patterns when I get some more done I'll make a forum post on the community dev forum.

Not sure i follow with the NQ/HQ stuff.

As for the aethernet, we use a check for that already on other nodes so thats not a problem. Do you have this stuff on github somewhere?
new version will be ready in a few minutes, just updating the database now. Took extra time to really look at the afk patch and the new one should resolve the previous ones issues.
Build 348
Update for patch 5.2

There were a few changes behind the api i did some basic checks but always better to have more eyes.

SpecialShopItem had a shift, I noticed a error before where SpecialShopItem.Collectability was the wrong value, please verify that it is now the correct value
GetDesynthesisLevel backing api changed, I tested it and got the expected results but keep an eye on it.
New anti-afk patch, should resolve the odd issues that would sometimes occur with the old ones.
Build 348
Update for patch 5.2

There were a few changes behind the api i did some basic checks but always better to have more eyes.

SpecialShopItem had a shift, I noticed a error before where SpecialShopItem.Collectability was the wrong value, please verify that it is now the correct value
GetDesynthesisLevel backing api changed, I tested it and got the expected results but keep an eye on it.
New anti-afk patch, should resolve the odd issues that would sometimes occur with the old ones.
You are a truly wonderful human being :D
Thanks for the update!

It seems CraftingManager.SetRecipe() is throwing an exception:

System.Reflection.TargetInvocationException: Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation. ---> System.AggregateException: One or more errors occurred. ---> System.Exception: No id mapping found for ff14bot.RemoteAgents.AgentRecipeNote
   at ff14bot.Managers.AgentModule.GetAgentInterfaceByType[T]()
   at ff14bot.Managers.CraftingManager..()
   --- End of inner exception stack trace ---
   at System.Threading.Tasks.Task`1.GetResultCore(Boolean waitCompletionNotification)
   --- End of inner exception stack trace ---
   at System.RuntimeMethodHandle.InvokeMethod(Object target, Object[] arguments, Signature sig, Boolean constructor)
   at System.Reflection.RuntimeMethodInfo.UnsafeInvokeInternal(Object obj, Object[] parameters, Object[] arguments)
   at System.Reflection.RuntimeMethodInfo.Invoke(Object obj, BindingFlags invokeAttr, Binder binder, Object[] parameters, CultureInfo culture)
   at System.RuntimeType.InvokeMember(String name, BindingFlags bindingFlags, Binder binder, Object target, Object[] providedArgs, ParameterModifier[] modifiers, CultureInfo culture, String[] namedParams)
   at System.Type.InvokeMember(String name, BindingFlags invokeAttr, Binder binder, Object target, Object[] args)
   at HighVoltz.CodeDriver.CompileAndRun(String input) in C:\Users\Hans Dieter\Documents\Rebornbuddy\Plugins\RebornConsole\RebornConsole.cs:line 520

This is happening with every recipe ID it seems.