I have been trying for some days now to run the 1-100 questing profile pack from the buddystore.
The problem is that my toon is stuck now in Talador, and is trying to pick up a quest from a NPC, but the NPC doesnt have any avaible quests.
This is what the bot is doing:
Goal: Picking Up Quest - News from Spires of Arak (http://wowhead.com/quest=35554) : From - Vindicator Icia (http://wowhead.com/npc=79618) [Ref: "Pickup" @line 1777]
I have tryed to make a new installation with honorbuddy and i followed this guide to delete my cache in bnet/wow - http://wiki.thebuddyforum.com/index.php?title=Honorbuddy:HelpDesk:Cache_corruption_problems
But this didnt help me.
Log from my newest install is attached.
I have been trying for some days now to run the 1-100 questing profile pack from the buddystore.
The problem is that my toon is stuck now in Talador, and is trying to pick up a quest from a NPC, but the NPC doesnt have any avaible quests.
This is what the bot is doing:
Goal: Picking Up Quest - News from Spires of Arak (http://wowhead.com/quest=35554) : From - Vindicator Icia (http://wowhead.com/npc=79618) [Ref: "Pickup" @line 1777]
I have tryed to make a new installation with honorbuddy and i followed this guide to delete my cache in bnet/wow - http://wiki.thebuddyforum.com/index.php?title=Honorbuddy:HelpDesk:Cache_corruption_problems
But this didnt help me.
Log from my newest install is attached.