Are you GM of WOW or maybe was one of them ? Sounds like you are . . .
Not a GM nor have I ever been one. These are just valid points that people seem to either miss or ignore. When you deal with people like Lemur30 and the others who blame robot like behavior and think that if people didn't bot AFK, or used auto interrupting scripts, it would make a difference. Some people just don't grasp the entire concept behind what honorbuddy actually does and is capable of. The only way that you had that was possible to of dodged this ban wave was to not have botted for months prior to it.
They are not banning you because of your dumb kickbot or your bg farmer or whatever. It makes it evident to normal legit players that yes, you are indeed a bot. But the evidence that is used to ban or suspend you solely comes from the API hook to your client, your location at the times they checked your wow process(so you can't call and be like "Help I was hacked!"), and other significant indicators.
It doesn't matter if you botted just to mill herbs or Raid. It doesn't matter if you botted to make millions and millions of gold. It doesn't matter if you ran 10 bots or just 1 bot. It doesn't matter if you only botted for 10 minutes a day at a time. It doesn't matter if you were running into a wall or kill stealing other players.
It does matter that if they used their detection method to snag your information and resulting in catching you red handed using third party programs to automate the client process.
*note* this problem happened more than once so they knew for certain that they could tell you had continued to use a third party program at different times or over a longer duration of time.
It does matter if you have outstanding reports against you from months prior from numerous other players.
It does matter if they have had open tickets about you and harassment/exploiting/hacking/cheating(which they do keep on file)
It does matter if you have been suspended or banned before. Either from the same account or the same IP address.
It does matter if you clearly(meaning without a doubt[meaning you had millions of gold like I did]) had an effect on the WoW economy and had the potential to sell gold or other virtual items to other players.