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[A-H][Q] 100% Automated/Afk Ashran (Universal Language Module + Rep)

haha yeah it works great but because i am fond of my acc i'm not going to risk it,
great work though.

Yeh, its very rare I use that spot for my own botting but it does happen... always 1+ bot in the area...with that said, its an instanced pvp area, it will never be "safe" with that many random people around you.
I bot a few other areas but that one is hands down the best spot, if i could do it over again, i would release my 2 other profiles and kept this one private lol.
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The bot trys to turn in fragments sometimes when hes dead? And then it disconnects after the idle time..-.- how to fix that?
The profile farms great, the only issue I see with using is 1) with the 200 count turn in I seem to get caught by the horde nps or horde players and loose more artifacts than I can turn in (so I reduced the qty. to 50 turnins, repping much faster now) 2) even though I'm using version 2.1 my bot still crosses the bridge on the way back for turn in. Other than that props to you, great profile.
The bot trys to turn in fragments sometimes when hes dead? And then it disconnects after the idle time..-.- how to fix that?

I've heard people mentioned that a few times, never seen it once myself and the turnin is running in a while loop for Is.Alive, so shouldn't even be possible.
If you can upload log when it happens i'll be more than happy to research the issue.
The profile farms great, the only issue I see with using is 1) with the 200 count turn in I seem to get caught by the horde nps or horde players and loose more artifacts than I can turn in (so I reduced the qty. to 50 turnins, repping much faster now) 2) even though I'm using version 2.1 my bot still crosses the bridge on the way back for turn in. Other than that props to you, great profile.

Thats correct, the profile is for farming parts, not reputation. Thats only a bonus.. my original releases had it set at 300/400 but lowered it to balance it out.
I've contemplating doing a run back through the alliance portal but not sure if it matters, its so rng to have it turnin when base is getting attacked. Only issue i see is if you would get ressed midmap vs home base.
Banned using this Pofile be carefull

Just outta curiosity, how much did you use these profiles for per day and how long ?
How much did you do other botting ?
How do you know they banned you for this profile explicitly ?
used it about8-12 hours per day and didn't do other botting or profiles so that's propaply the reason right?
used it about8-12 hours per day and didn't do other botting or profiles so that's propaply the reason right?

So you've been a member for 3 years but you only used my profile and nothing else ?
Cool story.
used it about8-12 hours per day and didn't do other botting or profiles so that's propaply the reason right?
You didnt answer question about now long have u been using it? I just got ban on two accs in the same day, but one of them just use profile for 2 weeks, and second for 6 weeks, but banned at the same time when they were botting online. 3rd acc was off at these time and didnt get ban. 3rd acc 8 weeks used it.
So you've been a member for 3 years but you only used my profile and nothing else ?
Cool story.
Actually one of my bots got 72h suspension exactly while using your profile. And no, it have not botted anything other in the prior ~45 days.
But the reason for the suspension is not because of the profile, relax ;)

I have botted this on 3 accounts / 3 servers in the same time, and only the horde one got suspended, because It had running it for 20 hours in the last 28 hours since I downloaded it, but the other 2 was "only" in their 16th hour in the last 28 hours :D Yes! No moderation - high risk of flag&ban - thats the current situation, folks ;)

To this suspension probably have contributed a few reports too, the character may have been "accepted", for the sole reason, that the grinding spots were shared with other Ashran bots, and as we already know, botters do report botters, indeed

used it about8-12 hours per day and didn't do other botting or profiles so that's propaply the reason right?
Since 6.1 Blizzard clearly flag Draenor bots, which do farm for more than 8-12 hours daily. Sorry, no more 24/7 farming in Draenor, as used to be prior 6.1.

You didnt answer question about now long have u been using it? I just got ban on two accs in the same day, but one of them just use profile for 2 weeks, and second for 6 weeks, but banned at the same time when they were botting online. 3rd acc was off at these time and didnt get ban. 3rd acc 8 weeks used it.

Blizzard tend to delay and "sync" bans, when happen to detect, that the bots were running from the same computer, this is common practice for Blizzard nowadays.
So lemme get this right, blizzard delays bans, just not with you ?
Wait, you say you bot 20 and 16 hours and then say in 6.1 Blizzard flags and ban bots which farm for more than 8-12 hours ?? Ok... (Hint, not true...)

For 1400+ posts and 3 years, you should know better...
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Is this safe to use like overnight? :p This will not farm CP right?

Define safe.
You are in an instanced pvp area with lots of human interactions from both factions.
Do i bot overnight and for too long sessions ? Yes. Do i care about my account ? No.
Follow common botting sense and you'll be as "safe" as botting anything else imo.

It will gain a minimal amount of CP through completing event.