the main reason i leave active DB developer work its because Store still didnt support DB products like profiles, routines etc
no profit for me
i just fixing old stuff now, and hope for the future
There is a thread in the DemonBuddy forums calling for it.
We need to bring new life and profiles into that section and we believe that having a DB store will help.
At no point since I have been a buddy member have we needed it more. There are forks and modded files, profiles with crazy blacklists, and guide threads that put all of the pieces together. Sure, many of them "work" but certainly not as efficiently as when the original creators designed them. They have been slashed and mutilated over time to attain functionability.
IMO this is because members were not given incentive enough to spend tens to hundreds of hours creating public plugins/profiles. Even after creating these files, maintaining a thread is a job unto itself. As a developer of a profile or plugin, why not just create what you need and save all of the other hassles? Afterall, you gain nothing but headaches from making it public, and I think it's been an issue for quite sometime.
I am posting here and now to promote a simple cause; we are starting to see a resurgence in that section with xzjv re-doing Trinity and BuddyMe creating an entire new combat routine (Vinci). Members like TarasBulba are trying to create new plugins and fix broken profiles. It would be a great time with a more polished combat routine to add DB to the buddystore.
...Now we are starting to see posts about competing products that DO NOT have DB's potential, yet they can perform better at endgame because of simple working features like "Ignore Elites."
Please, add DB to the BuddyStore. I am not asking this as a developer, but as a dedicated user. We need it.