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[A-H][Q] 100% Automated/Afk Ashran (Universal Language Module + Rep)

What is logs, i dont know, im too stupid to know that...)
If this is your first time to use this forum, you have excuse, of course!

[Guide] How to attach your log [Kick]

But generally, your questions are answered in the first post, and there is explanation how the releasing would be handled in Ashran, due to the difference in that zone.

This is my very first profile ever!!


* Requirements:
* Latest Honorbuddy
* 'ReleaseMe' Wow Addon Download
* 'Ashran Auto Accept' HB Plugin (hassle accepting invites in a questing profile) Download

* Instructions:

* Select Questing as botbase
* Configure releaseme in wow by typing '/rm config' and enabling all checkboxes.
* Load profile anywhere in Stormshield/Warspear
* Start bot.


I've moved on to bigger and better things.

I'll fix any critical issues imposed by wow or honorbuddy updates but i've stopped actively improving or taking feature request for this project.

Unless you are willing to donate BEFORE you PM me, don't even bother, I won't share private shit with you....

I have highlighted the required information for you in red.

I doubt it is allowed on these forums to request donation by any means, the moderators usually take actions for this if see the thread!
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I doubt it is allowed on these forums to request donation by any means, the moderators usually take actions for this if see the thread![/FONT]

I'm not requesting anyone to pay anything. This profile is as free as it gets. I didn't expect and still dont, to get anything out from this profile more than a few happy people.
But I get daily whispers from people asking me for free stuff or to help them with something.

Its just there to deter people from sending PM's.
I changed the front page tho.
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I'm not requesting anyone to pay anything. This profile is as free as it gets. I didn't expect and still dont, to get anything out from this profile more than a few happy people.
But I get daily whispers from people asking me for free stuff or to help them with something.

Its just there to deter people from sending PM's.
I changed the front page tho.

Well people who can't even thank you after using this, doesn't even deserve atention because then they are just assholes.

I said it before but i will hesitate, your work is really apreciated, this profile serverd me well and i will say as many times as needed to show you some of us are really thankful of your job :)
Well people who can't even thank you after using this, doesn't even deserve atention because then they are just assholes.

I said it before but i will hesitate, your work is really apreciated, this profile serverd me well and i will say as many times as needed to show you some of us are really thankful of your job :)

Thanks, it means a lot!
Many, many hours go into all this :)
Hm, by the way, i tried to run this again, and been experiencing a "bug", maybe since last update of the client?. Not sure if i screwed something here, but tried with a fresh install of HB just for this and happened again:

When the bot returns to hand in artifact fragments, it gets stuck before the npc, only giving an error message, and blacklisting the npc after. Maybe some action phrasing changed? Stopping and resuming the bot lets it continue without problem , other times it continues after a while like this tho.

Im experiencing this as alliance with the 2.1 Alliance bot profile. I'm attaching the log here:

( At line "[20:26:28.801 D]" you can see how Anenga gets excluded and where the trouble is. If you need any more info, just tell me :D )

EDIT: For more info, the bot gives back the following error: [Profile Message]: Turning in Fragments
[InteractWith-v1963(warning)] Unable to apply event filter for COMBAT_LOG_EVENT_UNFILTERED

It hands all possible fragments, but tries to keep doing it even if it only has, for example, 4 fragments


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Hm, by the way, i tried to run this again, and been experiencing a "bug", maybe since last update of the client?. Not sure if i screwed something here, but tried with a fresh install of HB just for this and happened again:

Hi. Thanks for the detailed error report with logs, very appreciated !

Quite a few errors and exceptions in that log, bit beyond my knowledge and not directly related to the profile.
However i would like you to try the following:

Repair / Reinstall .NET 4.5.1
Repair / Reinstall Microsoft Visual C++ 2013 redistributable
Do a fresh install of Honorbuddy into a new folder 'Budders2'.
Reboot computer.
Download links.

If you still experience the same issues please go into honorbuddy 'Settings & Tools' and under 'Log Level' set it to 'Diagnostic', upload a new log please and i'll promise to get it fixed :)

I tried running the bot 5 minutes ago and its turning in fine for me, I do get the same combat log event messages but nothing about greymagic, .NET or QB issues.
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Hmm its weird, since last week i ran it with no trouble and haven't installed anything else. And maybe i forgot to mention, that "budders" folder was a fresh install of HB just to check if this would fix, but nay hehe.

Will try what you said anyway!
Hmm its weird, since last week i ran it with no trouble and haven't installed anything else. And maybe i forgot to mention, that "budders" folder was a fresh install of HB just to check if this would fix, but nay hehe.

Will try what you said anyway!

I tried running the bot just a second ago and the difference between our logs is that you have multiple issues:
Greymagic exceptions (Tied to Visual c i believe)
.NET exceptions (Tied to .NET)
And finally Quest behaviour problems (Why i want a fresh install)

If your problem still persists, the diagnostic log will also give me much more info to go on and what i need to forward it to HB if its not profile related. :)

Really appreciate the log and details, can't even explain how much it means when trying to pinpoint the issue :p
I tried running the bot just a second ago and the difference between our logs is that you have multiple issues:
Greymagic exceptions (Tied to Visual c i believe)
.NET exceptions (Tied to .NET)
And finally Quest behaviour problems (Why i want a fresh install)

If your problem still persists, the diagnostic log will also give me much more info to go on and what i need to forward it to HB if its not profile related. :)

Really appreciate the log and details, can't even explain how much it means when trying to pinpoint the issue :p

Hehe well even if im not into this, i know how important it is so i try to explain it with detail.

Will do that and will try again and post the log after then. Thanks for your time and patience!
Did what you said. Now its worse, it doesnt even move after a while trying to hand in artifacts, it gets stuck here :S

It displays "Activity: No viable mobs in area.
Activity: Moving to hunting ground waypoint 'hunting ground center'"

Here's the log on diagnostic:


Did what you said. Now its worse, it doesnt even move after a while trying to hand in artifacts, it gets stuck here :S

It displays "Activity: No viable mobs in area.
Activity: Moving to hunting ground waypoint 'hunting ground center'"

Here's the log on diagnostic:

You uploaded the same log as before.
Dont forget you need to install into a new folder, not the same as old. (easiest is to just right click the .zip file and choose extract to honorbuddy bla bla and run that)
Did you reboot after repairing .net and visual c ?
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wow, sorry! silly me, i uploaded the other log again haha, yeah i didt it all, fresh install, repaired/reinstalled all, even used buddy wizzard for full re-install. Here it is:


wow, sorry! silly me, i uploaded the other log again haha, yeah i didt it all, fresh install, repaired/reinstalled all, even used buddy wizzard for full re-install. Here it is:

If you go to Anenga manually and click her, what options do she offer ?
Is the first one: "Take all of my Artifact Fragments!" ?

My guess is that you haven't done the 1-3 pre req quests for ashran and its trying to turn in fragments but doesn't get the expected gossip option and retries 7 times until it blacklists it.

Please check if you have any non daily quests to pickup in base or ashran quests in your log :)
If you do, please finish them and retry.
I might have overlooked that you need todo the quests.

Good news tho, you don't have anymore greymagic, QB or .NET entries in your log. Should run a lot better overall ;p
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Oh well, i just went to check that, but i was sure i've done those quest and then... well... you're gonna kill me haha, i had a sudden feeling of what i could be.... after last update, one of the addons i have for my alters/RaF accs to auto-turn in and auto-accept quests got enabled it seems, i feel so silly now haha :D

EDIT: So yeah!! Thanks a lot for your great support, and so sorry for wasting your time!
Oh well, i just went to check that, but i was sure i've done those quest and then... well... you're gonna kill me haha, i had a sudden feeling of what i could be.... after last update, one of the addons i have for my alters/RaF accs to auto-turn in and auto-accept quests got enabled it seems, i feel so silly now haha :D

EDIT: So yeah!! Thanks a lot for your great support, and so sorry for wasting your time!

Its no problem at all, you provided a detailed description with logs and we actually fixed background problems you didnt even know you had ;)
Glad it worked out!
one of the addons i have for my alters/RaF accs to auto-turn in and auto-accept quests got enabled it seems

Could you please tell me the exact name of the addons ?
Gonna figure out how to give a warning when (that) addons is enabled to avoid this issue in the future :D

Great profile... One thing that needs correction: Horde profile needs adjustments on Brute's Rise because the bot will try to auto-run through the bonfire to reach mobs on the other side but gets stuck. Not sure how easy it would be to make it not run into those bonfires, but it makes it appear alot like a bot when it's running straight into something over and over. :)

Great profile... One thing that needs correction: Horde profile needs adjustments on Brute's Rise because the bot will try to auto-run through the bonfire to reach mobs on the other side but gets stuck. Not sure how easy it would be to make it not run into those bonfires, but it makes it appear alot like a bot when it's running straight into something over and over. :)

Thats actually a mesh issue, not profile.
You could add blackspots and get relatively good results but without internal tools for seeing object and path borders, its close to impossible to get great/perfect results.
Blackspots only raise the traversal cost for pathing and how it reaches a destination. To actually blacklist them you need to update mesh, which is both beyond my knowledge and access.

If I get some time over I will do the good deed and report the locations of all boonfires while also adding them to profile until HB devs can update mesh. Doubt it will be this week, working hard on my latest project.
Hello There,

Thank you for the great profile Tomten2, here is my experience with this:

I've used the horde profile for 2 of my toons, i've got a 72h ban on one. That was because my warrior was trying to focus a mob stuck in the fire, in the ogre camp. i knew it and it's my fault. i kept the profile but i've changed all horde hotspots to another farm spot since now every mob has a chance to drop it (Patch 6.1). Now everything is fine. For my horde Toons i've managed to get tons of ULM parts, price is going down slowly but its still a good way to make easy gold, if RNG is with us ^^. Now i started the profile on an Alliance toon and it looks less buggy than horde obviously ^^.

The only real problem i had is that at a certain moment, when my char dies, he goes straight to the repair pnj and since HB don't detect the death status it just afk there trying to repair. I have to babysit that.

I have to give you props for this work and i'm sorry if people don't know how to formulate a problem report. And yeah, the feedback is low, i've posted a profile with more than 10k downloads and had very little feedback. Sometimes the only people who answers to post are those having problems (the stupid ones lool)

Still, i hope you will continue to be an active member of the forum.

See ya ;)
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The only real problem i had is that at a certain moment, when my char dies, he goes straight to the repair pnj and since HB don't detect the death status it just afk there trying to repair. I have to babysit that.

Thanks for the feedback and sorry to hear about your char :(

I've heard this reported once before and I would really love a log for when that's happening.
Disabling death behaviour or not, the bot should never attempt to repair while dead and if it does, its needs to be reported to HB as a bug.

Would still like to investigate if you can upload a log, thanks :)
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