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TuanHA Paladin - The Ultimate Experience

Hum the more I increase my ilevel the less my hps is :/

The CR keeps HL again an again. Sometimes the bot doing nothing asking itself what it should do (I guess)

I think the CR/logic is too heavy to handle and it stutters.

It's just my opinion but it's more obvious with larger group.

Tuanha Please can you give us some insight of what is going on please?

[EDIT] I think tou should allow user to upload/dowload settings to lessen the effect. And Honestly you should concentrate on less CR even more if you want to work on PvE and PvP logic. It's just my opinion and I don't want to be rude or something.
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Hum the more I increase my ilevel the less my hps is :/

The CR keeps HL again an again. Sometimes the bot doing nothing asking itself what it should do (I guess)

I think the CR/logic is too heavy to handle and it stutters.

It's just my opinion but it's more obvious with larger group.

Tuanha Please can you give us some insight of what is going on please?

[EDIT] I think tou should allow user to upload/dowload settings to lessen the effect. And Honestly you should concentrate on less CR even more if you want to work on PvE and PvP logic. It's just my opinion and I don't want to be rude or something.
Uncheck HL and it will only be cast when IoL procs, it would be good giving some attention to the last 20 pages.
Uncheck HL and it will only be cast when IoL procs, it would be good giving some attention to the last 20 pages.

Not even remotely adequate to do this and heal Mythic Progression. Your co healers snipe all the heals and your overheals are through the roof, not to mention you will parse in low percentiles doing it this way. I've tried this, and seems good when you are with weak healers or ones that you out-gear, like in lfr or normal runs. It would be good giving some attention to actual practice of the class instead of giving bad, regurgitated advice, as only casting Holy Light, our new "bread and butter" spell only when IoL procs happen, will definitely give you low heals and make you look like you have absolutely no idea whatsoever about how to play holy paladin.
It would be nice to heal an option only tankes instead of target / focus. In mythical I have assigned to tanks (like many pala heal) and Target / Focus function is a bit annoying.

Sorry for my english
Hum the more I increase my ilevel the less my hps is :/

The CR keeps HL again an again. Sometimes the bot doing nothing asking itself what it should do (I guess)

I think the CR/logic is too heavy to handle and it stutters.

It's just my opinion but it's more obvious with larger group.

Tuanha Please can you give us some insight of what is going on please?

[EDIT] I think tou should allow user to upload/dowload settings to lessen the effect. And Honestly you should concentrate on less CR even more if you want to work on PvE and PvP logic. It's just my opinion and I don't want to be rude or something.
I need a log to know why, but I guess mostly it use Holy Light to make Illumination absorb shield on friend
the healing logic is working fine for me. I'm getting an average of 80+% on all bosses according to worldcraftlog. 90%+ on ~half of the bosses in heroic and mythic.
The problem I have is the healing target logic. As I mentioned several times before, the CR keep healing my current target even when my target have 90%+ hp while other members have sub 50% hp. this can be solved by manually target people with low hp, and I guess it is hard for bot to know when to top off tank and when to top off raid members. it would be nice if we have a option to set the hp percentage of current target which the bot keeps at. For example, if I set it to 80%, the bot will heal my target to 80%, my focus to 80%, myself to 80%, then the raid to 80%. if everyone is above 80%, then it heal my target to full, my focus to full, myself then raid.

another issue is about blessing of protection and hand of sacrifice. hand of sacrifice should be used on target that is going to take a lot of dmg, not someone already took dmg. the option we have now (give hos to person below certain %hp) waste a lot of hos on raid members who just took one big damage. it would be nice if we could have an option to add some spell id to let the bot know when and who to give bop and hos to. Or add a option to bind a key for hos and bop such as hunters do for traps & CCs.

sorry for my english
the healing logic is working fine for me. I'm getting an average of 80+% on all bosses according to worldcraftlog. 90%+ on ~half of the bosses in heroic and mythic.
The problem I have is the healing target logic. As I mentioned several times before, the CR keep healing my current target even when my target have 90%+ hp while other members have sub 50% hp. this can be solved by manually target people with low hp, and I guess it is hard for bot to know when to top off tank and when to top off raid members. it would be nice if we have a option to set the hp percentage of current target which the bot keeps at. For example, if I set it to 80%, the bot will heal my target to 80%, my focus to 80%, myself to 80%, then the raid to 80%. if everyone is above 80%, then it heal my target to full, my focus to full, myself then raid.

another issue is about blessing of protection and hand of sacrifice. hand of sacrifice should be used on target that is going to take a lot of dmg, not someone already took dmg. the option we have now (give hos to person below certain %hp) waste a lot of hos on raid members who just took one big damage. it would be nice if we could have an option to add some spell id to let the bot know when and who to give bop and hos to. Or add a option to bind a key for hos and bop such as hunters do for traps & CCs.

sorry for my english
That very nice suggestion daiql, please let me think about and code it :D
An Chance to add an option for Hand of protection to use it only on healers and or casters? Annoying if it use it on melee classes in rbg e.g.
Hi Tuanha, it would be nice if we could change the auto seal settings for Retri, At the moment it changes the seal when there are 2 adds, it would be nice if we could change this ourselves. I would prefer to only use Seal of Righteousness if there are more than 3/4 adds or more. If there are 2 Adds we should be using Seal of truth.
Also does this support Gylph of Double Jeopardy?

I agree completely with Rossignol. A setting to adjust the number of adds auto seal switches on would be amazing.
Hi Tuanha, it would be nice if we could change the auto seal settings for Retri, At the moment it changes the seal when there are 2 adds, it would be nice if we could change this ourselves. I would prefer to only use Seal of Righteousness if there are more than 3/4 adds or more. If there are 2 Adds we should be using Seal of truth.
Also does this support Gylph of Double Jeopardy?


I would like to see this as well.
Been using this in arena and it NEVER seems to use flash of light, even with holy light turned off and flash of light turned up to 80.

Maybe you can check into it.
Hi Tuanha, it would be nice if we could change the auto seal settings for Retri, At the moment it changes the seal when there are 2 adds, it would be nice if we could change this ourselves. I would prefer to only use Seal of Righteousness if there are more than 3/4 adds or more. If there are 2 Adds we should be using Seal of truth.
Also does this support Gylph of Double Jeopardy?

This change is simple by the look but it's instead very complicated because it change the whole rotation.

If you want advanced shield management, I suggest turn Auto Seal off and switch depend on what you like.
Been using this in arena and it NEVER seems to use flash of light, even with holy light turned off and flash of light turned up to 80.

Maybe you can check into it.
Log please :D
the healing logic is working fine for me. I'm getting an average of 80+% on all bosses according to worldcraftlog. 90%+ on ~half of the bosses in heroic and mythic.
The problem I have is the healing target logic. As I mentioned several times before, the CR keep healing my current target even when my target have 90%+ hp while other members have sub 50% hp. this can be solved by manually target people with low hp, and I guess it is hard for bot to know when to top off tank and when to top off raid members. it would be nice if we have a option to set the hp percentage of current target which the bot keeps at. For example, if I set it to 80%, the bot will heal my target to 80%, my focus to 80%, myself to 80%, then the raid to 80%. if everyone is above 80%, then it heal my target to full, my focus to full, myself then raid.

another issue is about blessing of protection and hand of sacrifice. hand of sacrifice should be used on target that is going to take a lot of dmg, not someone already took dmg. the option we have now (give hos to person below certain %hp) waste a lot of hos on raid members who just took one big damage. it would be nice if we could have an option to add some spell id to let the bot know when and who to give bop and hos to. Or add a option to bind a key for hos and bop such as hunters do for traps & CCs.

sorry for my english

Your first idea is great, that's something worth to code and also useful in some of the mythic encounters where tanks don't need to be topped to 100%.

HoS however is a spell your RL or tanks will ask for, thus you should keybind it and give it on demand. Randomly giving any person a HoS, even if it's useful in that situation, can fuck your whole cooldown rotation up and let your tank die in the next phase of heavy dmg. HoS/HoPr/HoPu/LoH automation is nothing you would ever use if you declare yourself as a raider above the level of extreme casualty.

Best regards
Your first idea is great, that's something worth to code and also useful in some of the mythic encounters where tanks don't need to be topped to 100%.

HoS however is a spell your RL or tanks will ask for, thus you should keybind it and give it on demand. Randomly giving any person a HoS, even if it's useful in that situation, can fuck your whole cooldown rotation up and let your tank die in the next phase of heavy dmg. HoS/HoPr/HoPu/LoH automation is nothing you would ever use if you declare yourself as a raider above the level of extreme casualty.

Best regards

it would be nice if we could have an option to add some spell id to let the bot know when and who to give bop and hos to. Or add a option to bind a key for hos and bop such as hunters do for traps & CCs.

you are right about HoS/HoPr/HoPu/LoH shouldn't be automated in most case. What I was suggesting is not all about automation.
ive noticed my DPS with this is sucky as ret.... it doesnt seem to be using exorcism at all even when its boosted. running by hand on a target dummy i can pull 30k or so but in bosses im pulling 14k if im lucky lately. 658 ret pali and i got the boot from my guild raid because my dps was one of the lowest i used to be one of the highest...
ive noticed my DPS with this is sucky as ret.... it doesnt seem to be using exorcism at all even when its boosted. running by hand on a target dummy i can pull 30k or so but in bosses im pulling 14k if im lucky lately. 658 ret pali and i got the boot from my guild raid because my dps was one of the lowest i used to be one of the highest...

read through all the options and set them right...
ret logic is still far away from perfect but 14k dps really means something wrong on your part.
read through all the options and set them right...
ret logic is still far away from perfect but 14k dps really means something wrong on your part.

I have read through the settings. There is no spot for exorcisem or basic rotatio. I have been using Tunahs CRs for 8 months or so never had much of an issue. I make my own .xmls for my raids. I havnt tried healing pali yet so idk how it works. If you see the spot for exorcisem let me know im willing to take blame as being blind lol.