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[PAID] [Warlock] Demonic - An Advanced Honorbuddy Warlock Routine [PvE/PvP]

I had cataclysm, and i need to use metamorphosis manualy because my demonic fury was full, but it happen only for 2 bosses on brawlers. If u have time check this u will see. I'm queue on random dungeon as demonology so i will report how it works ;)
Another log on brawler

You don't have Cataclysm in any of the logs you've posted. Demonic Servitude and Demonbolt in that one.

You shouldn't be casting Metamorphosis manually, you'll break the rotation - it has lots of conditions on when it should and shouldn't switch in/out of forms.


I'm one of your lazy customers that lets the bot handle burning rush for me :D, But to be honest it looks really botlike having it activate and cancel at that exact % all the time, Possible to get a min and max HP value so it can randomly pick a value between those..to Cancel the firez

randomly cancel Burning rush between:
Min hp :20% - Max HP 80%

Rather the cancel it perfectly at 70% or what ever value you enter, every time :P

Nobody is watching your HP % to see when you cancel Burning Rush - it's really not necessary. Change it to a slightly more random value if it bothers you though... 23% etc instead.
Hey there, I used my free 90 boost on a Warlock and then got this routine back in MoP, but I haven't touched my lock yet in WoD. I was looking at picking it up as an alt because I did enjoy playing it just wondering if y'all can give me some advice on which specs are currently performing well since the buffs/changes that went through the other night? Also which specs are working better with this routine? As a level 90 Warlock when I went to use this routine to start questing as destro all it did was cast incinerate and immolate is that normal or should I try get a log because that's unintended? Any advice would be useful instead of trying to catch up on all the pages of posts in here. Thanks
Hey there, I used my free 90 boost on a Warlock and then got this routine back in MoP, but I haven't touched my lock yet in WoD. I was looking at picking it up as an alt because I did enjoy playing it just wondering if y'all can give me some advice on which specs are currently performing well since the buffs/changes that went through the other night? Also which specs are working better with this routine? As a level 90 Warlock when I went to use this routine to start questing as destro all it did was cast incinerate and immolate is that normal or should I try get a log because that's unintended? Any advice would be useful instead of trying to catch up on all the pages of posts in here. Thanks

For levelling up it doesn't really matter, just pick the spec you like. Demonology is pretty strong at the moment.

For the Immo/Incinerate thing - it sounds like you changed spec after you loaded HB. When changing specs reload Honorbuddy :)

Honorbuddy Startup Complete
Starting the bot!
Currently Using BotBase : Combat Bot
Current zone is Mondsturz (Lunarfall - Zone - World of Warcraft)
[Demonic] Bot Started - Reloading Talents!
[Demonic] Map Changed!
[Demonic] [HP: 100] [Mana: 100] [Embers: 1] Waiting to initialize, please wait...
[Demonic] Extracting Latest Settings
[Demonic] Default settings extracted.
[Demonic] [HP: 100] [Mana: 100] [Embers: 1] Loaded Settings 'PvE.xml' Using Quick Load.
[Demonic] [HP: 100] [Mana: 100] [Embers: 1] Waiting to initialize, please wait...

why why why ? it wont work... it does nothing

Can you post a full log file please? I pushed a fix for this last night
The demo is working good now. I just have to tweak som settings, is there anyway I can pause the use of Metamhorpis? I like going going into bosses with full fury for a 70k burst :)
Millz, I just noticed a possible bug.

When I'm using Terrorguard (with Demonic Servitude talent), the CR won't do auto interrupt even with "Cast on target" in Pet abilities checked.
Same here

Sry can not post log as I have just deleted it.....:(

It should be fixed now. Can you re-create the problem and post a log file please? Cheers

The demo is working good now. I just have to tweak som settings, is there anyway I can pause the use of Metamhorpis? I like going going into bosses with full fury for a 70k burst :)

Can't pause Metamorphosis, there's just too many reasons for it to go into Meta form. Holding off until you cap fury would ultimately be a large loss in DPS.

Millz, I just noticed a possible bug.

When I'm using Terrorguard (with Demonic Servitude talent), the CR won't do auto interrupt even with "Cast on target" in Pet abilities checked.

Will look into it, cheers
The demo is working good now. I just have to tweak som settings, is there anyway I can pause the use of Metamhorpis? I like going going into bosses with full fury for a 70k burst :)

there are 2 main resons for going into Meta form, 1)Your target needs Doom, 2)You have the amount of fury you specified and you need to dump it, 3)You just used DarkSoul and it's going in meta to do whatever it can for more dps. Anything besides this will either break the rotation or lower dps.

While I'm here some tips:

For short fights a.k.a. heroic dungeons you can use imp swarm glyph, it gives more fury at start + burst so you can dump your demonbolts sooner.
If you are specced into demonbolt then set fury to 950 to enter meta, it might cap 1k sometimes but it will allow you to do 4x demonbolts and lower debuff uptime on you then going into meta casting 2-3 then again after 20-25 secs going into meta again to fill up to 4. Low fury setting should be between 450-600 and it doesn't matter much since rotation won't drop it untill DS is up and if glyphed(which it should be) it has enough time to dump fury fully.
Be aware of a blizz bug with AD talent + glypg of Darksoul, it causes sometimes that you can't use DS even if you have 1 stack bcs your other stack is on CD. Hope they will fix it soon.
There is an option for going into Meta when moving, for some fights it might be a dps increase if you have to move a lot and don't have time to DB.
Whole rotation if you are specced into DB is about maxing your fury then going into meta using DS and dumping your demonbolts. AoE is crappy atm unless targets won't die fast in which case routine will do its job, or if you have 5+ targets and you're in range of immo aura.
Mind your settings for on-use trinkets, try setting them to use with DS to max output of your DB's.

Happy demoning :D
One thing I noticed is that after that update I'm getting alot of in game combat routine lag which never happened before. When combat starts etc.. alot of stress on fps
there are 2 main resons for going into Meta form, 1)Your target needs Doom, 2)You have the amount of fury you specified and you need to dump it, 3)You just used DarkSoul and it's going in meta to do whatever it can for more dps. Anything besides this will either break the rotation or lower dps.

While I'm here some tips:

For short fights a.k.a. heroic dungeons you can use imp swarm glyph, it gives more fury at start + burst so you can dump your demonbolts sooner.
If you are specced into demonbolt then set fury to 950 to enter meta, it might cap 1k sometimes but it will allow you to do 4x demonbolts and lower debuff uptime on you then going into meta casting 2-3 then again after 20-25 secs going into meta again to fill up to 4. Low fury setting should be between 450-600 and it doesn't matter much since rotation won't drop it untill DS is up and if glyphed(which it should be) it has enough time to dump fury fully.
Be aware of a blizz bug with AD talent + glypg of Darksoul, it causes sometimes that you can't use DS even if you have 1 stack bcs your other stack is on CD. Hope they will fix it soon.
There is an option for going into Meta when moving, for some fights it might be a dps increase if you have to move a lot and don't have time to DB.
Whole rotation if you are specced into DB is about maxing your fury then going into meta using DS and dumping your demonbolts. AoE is crappy atm unless targets won't die fast in which case routine will do its job, or if you have 5+ targets and you're in range of immo aura.
Mind your settings for on-use trinkets, try setting them to use with DS to max output of your DB's.

Happy demoning :D
Thanks for the reply Nilrem! Yeah i figured out most of it. When i want to beat my friends on burst for fun ill just pause and manually cast to build fury (talking about on the last trash pack before bosses) :D

Also i have a request for Millz, is It possible to get some hotkeys for switching settings on the fly? For example if I got 3 different settings for different types of bosses.

And thanks again guys
Hey, Im noticing some hang time with Affliction when grinding multiple mobs, it casts soulburn haunt the first time, giving the 30 sec buff, however if my target dies and I move onto the next mob, it doesn't cast haunt, and seems to stop the rotation and lock up for a bit until it eventually drain souls or until the haunt buff drops off. Is there a way to make it throw a haunt on the target if the target doesn't have the haunt debuff? Could maybe add a check for shards before throwing the extra haunt on, im not sure how it would affect dps though, or a way to make it drain soul instead of the hangup.

View attachment 5824 2014-11-27 21.11.txt
hi i payed the demonic premium routine around 6 month ago . i also have my login ID / PW for the old millz page but how can i get the CR now ( Downloadlink ???)
One thing I noticed is that after that update I'm getting alot of in game combat routine lag which never happened before. When combat starts etc.. alot of stress on fps

Can you post a log please? May be a reason why it's happening.

Hey, Im noticing some hang time with Affliction when grinding multiple mobs, it casts soulburn haunt the first time, giving the 30 sec buff, however if my target dies and I move onto the next mob, it doesn't cast haunt, and seems to stop the rotation and lock up for a bit until it eventually drain souls or until the haunt buff drops off. Is there a way to make it throw a haunt on the target if the target doesn't have the haunt debuff? Could maybe add a check for shards before throwing the extra haunt on, im not sure how it would affect dps though, or a way to make it drain soul instead of the hangup.

View attachment 154251

SB:Haunt isn't about applying haunt to the target, it's about keeping the haunting spirits buff up on yourself. It shouldn't be pausing though. I'll have a go of it and see if I can see any issues.

Thanks for the reply Nilrem! Yeah i figured out most of it. When i want to beat my friends on burst for fun ill just pause and manually cast to build fury (talking about on the last trash pack before bosses) :D

Also i have a request for Millz, is It possible to get some hotkeys for switching settings on the fly? For example if I got 3 different settings for different types of bosses.

And thanks again guys

The quickload box is enough, adding hotkeys for that isn't really necessary, only takes a couple of clicks before or after a boss :)

hi i payed the demonic premium routine around 6 month ago . i also have my login ID / PW for the old millz page but how can i get the CR now ( Downloadlink ???)
