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[Botbase] PokehBuddy (Revised for WoD)

Build 2 works, Build 3 just flys around, just fyi. Skype: eloom124 we can chat, i code for a living too, maybe I can help.
What Soviet said is right, the Build 2 works. I'm using BattlePetSweeper to change low pets for healthier ones and it works except when one of my pets gets killed.
Neither the plugin or the bot chooses another pet to fight.
My guy is just flying around durotar, using profile that came with bot base.... 1-1-2 pets.
Regardless of profile. Must be a config somewhere
Build 2 works, Build 3 just flys around, just fyi. Skype: eloom124 we can chat, i code for a living too, maybe I can help.
This is very strange as no real code was changed. Looking into this. Only UI was adjusted in last build. Looking into the issue.

What Soviet said is right, the Build 2 works. I'm using BattlePetSweeper to change low pets for healthier ones and it works except when one of my pets gets killed.
Neither the plugin or the bot chooses another pet to fight.
What does that plugin do ? Does it pull from your companions list, or just shift the ones selected for combat around. Having the same issue without that plugin when a pet gets killed in combat. I am unsure where the hook is for that to choose, but there doesn't appear to be any "ISDEAD" checks while the CR is running. Could use some help with that bit.

UPDATE: Build 4 released which should correct the "flying around" issue. :)
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The pet logics do not save when using the tool. how ever when you edit the file manually it works.
Have a to of old logic files from the former plugin. Unfortunatly the pet Id´s have changed. I will try to figure out if there is any kind of logic behind the transformation from old ID to new because the i could upload a lot of pet logics for the most important pets.

the not working swap of low health pets is maybe also connected to the pet logic as every pet has a default set.
The pet logics do not save when using the tool. how ever when you edit the file manually it works.
Have a to of old logic files from the former plugin. Unfortunatly the pet Id´s have changed. I will try to figure out if there is any kind of logic behind the transformation from old ID to new because the i could upload a lot of pet logics for the most important pets.

the not working swap of low health pets is maybe also connected to the pet logic as every pet has a default set.

Yes, the pet GUID's have changed. They are now unique per pet per account. It does copy from the existing profiles where an id is found (aka "Azure Whelpling.xml"), however I believe there may be work to be done there. It looks like mostly, it just loads the default settings. My main goal with this was to get it into "working" order so that it is usable again. Albeit their are some glitches, a lot of these existed prior to my taking it on when it was working previously. When I can find more time, I will look into the logic itself. What would be much appreciated is if someone could point me where to put code to detect pet death while in battle, as this seems to be the largest problem, or perhaps an ajustment to the "default" logic that is applied so this can occur. I did notice that when a pet dies, it will sit endlessly at the select new pet screen -- annoying, but if you are watching the bot anyway (which i recommend ALWAYS), it should not be a huge concern -- just a peeve.
I am getting this error:

Exception was thrown in BotBase.Start. Bot cannot start.
System.FormatException: Additional non-parsable characters are at the end of the string.
at System.ParseNumbers.StringToLong(String s, Int32 radix, Int32 flags, Int32* currPos)
at System.Convert.ToUInt64(String value, Int32 fromBase)
at PokehBuddy.MyPets.updateMyPets() in d:\Apps\Honorbuddy\Bots\PokehBuddy\MyPets.cs:line 59
at PokehBuddy.PokehBuddy.Start() in d:\Apps\Honorbuddy\Bots\PokehBuddy\PokehBuddy.cs:line 125
at Styx.CommonBot.TreeRoot.()

Anyone know what might be happening?
Any insight as to how/what the "quick" logic settings did, would be greatly appreciated.

Quick logic would have generated an individual profile for that pet, including some basic commands like "if ability 1 on cd, use 2".

F.e. Celestial Dragon profile:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

Also the quick logic settings where the basis for any additional commands you would have/could have added via the logic editor. You had to save the logic file + "equip" it to the pet prior for it to beeing used by the plugin/bot.
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Hi I tried to do Anubistah Idol settings but bot don't see this

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

I just want that he will use his 2nd skill on cooldown
I have a strange issue when a pet dies in a battle, and I am presented with the option to choose from the remaining two the bot doesn't pick any of them. I must manually select one and then it will continue the fight. Am I missing to set some option?
I have a strange issue when a pet dies in a battle, and I am presented with the option to choose from the remaining two the bot doesn't pick any of them. I must manually select one and then it will continue the fight. Am I missing to set some option?

Same, i watch my char do it, so i just pick one.
I have a strange issue when a pet dies in a battle, and I am presented with the option to choose from the remaining two the bot doesn't pick any of them. I must manually select one and then it will continue the fight. Am I missing to set some option?

I don't know what to put or where to put it to detect pet death in battle. I tried with maximum debug logging enabled and didn't see anything unusual occurring when this happens.
this bot doesn´t work for me. When i start this bot (build 2 ore 3 ore 4) with for example with GB2] [1-3] Pet Training Tirisfal Glades.
the bot stop with this massage

Changing current profile to Elwinn Forest
Starting the bot!
Currently Using BotBase : PokehBuddy
Current zone is Elwynn Forest (Elwynn Forest - Zone - World of Warcraft)

I installed it in the bot Folder an load the Profil from the inside of the PetArea
Folder .i doesnt now whats wrong.
Need help pls
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Thanks for the reply. I have tried to avoid the first pet to die by changing the logic in "Default Logic.xml" but it appears to have no affect. I changed "SWAPOUT Health(THISPET) ISLESSTHAN 25" to "SWAPOUT Health(THISPET) ISLESSTHAN 95", since then the pet would have tried to deal damage and taken some, basically after first round if it didn't get one-shotted. Since I am trying to run in with 2 x 25 pets in my other slots, this should ensure it would survive and get exp as well. Unfortunately I can't see it doing any swapping. Is the code broken for the swap?

Thank you for your effort in reviving this bot. Despite the current issue I am facing, it - most importantly - works and can be used with a bit of babysitting.
this bot doesn´t work for me. When i start this bot (build 2 ore 3 ore 4) with for example with GB2] [1-3] Pet Training Tirisfal Glades.
the bot stop with this massage

Changing current profile to Elwinn Forest
Starting the bot!
Currently Using BotBase : PokehBuddy
Current zone is Elwynn Forest (Elwynn Forest - Zone - World of Warcraft)

I installed it in the bot Folder an load the Profil from the inside of the PetArea
Folder .i doesnt now whats wrong.
Need help pls
I havn't tested this with "mixed" or "gatherbuddy". The best I can suggest is to run this bot standalone. I have had trouble with "mixed" and "gatherbuddy" as well with running two different botbases (gathering / dungeon for example), which ended up in some very strange behaviour ultimately ending up in not being able to stop/close the bot (clicking stop disables the stop button but it gets hung and then I can't close honorbuddy at all without significant effort - multiple attempts - to force end task using task manager). It is for this reason that I believe all botbases operate best as standalone.

Thanks for the reply. I have tried to avoid the first pet to die by changing the logic in "Default Logic.xml" but it appears to have no affect. I changed "SWAPOUT Health(THISPET) ISLESSTHAN 25" to "SWAPOUT Health(THISPET) ISLESSTHAN 95", since then the pet would have tried to deal damage and taken some, basically after first round if it didn't get one-shotted. Since I am trying to run in with 2 x 25 pets in my other slots, this should ensure it would survive and get exp as well. Unfortunately I can't see it doing any swapping. Is the code broken for the swap?

Thank you for your effort in reviving this bot. Despite the current issue I am facing, it - most importantly - works and can be used with a bit of babysitting.
I am currently in discussion with the original developer. We are working through a plan of attack to perfect this system. We were both rather tired when we started to work on it, but what was discovered so far is that the code is where it should be. We plan to hold another meeting tonight and perhaps we can dig into the cause for this. For now, babysit the bot (as I recommend doing this for any automation tool). We have some big plans for improving upon this system. He has updated his plugin version (the original deal), however I am working to convince him that the botbase is the "better" way to go with this as it does run closer to the core, and allows for more flexibility in scripting. We are also going to do a bit of housecleaning on it, but as you can see, it is working well enough to actually level your pets with very little manual intervention.
I installed it in the bot Folder an load the Profil from the inside of the PetArea
Folder .i doesnt now whats wrong.
Need help pls

You have to configure PET AREA, since that plugin handles the areas FOR YOU. If you want to do it manually/watch the bot level, you have to DISABLE Pet Area. Otherwise CONFIGURE it to use the areas you'd like it to use.
You have to configure PET AREA, since that plugin handles the areas FOR YOU. If you want to do it manually/watch the bot level, you have to DISABLE Pet Area. Otherwise CONFIGURE it to use the areas you'd like it to use.

Thank you for pointing this out. It seems that this addon is redundant. I will work on adding in configuration support for Goudah's profiles directly integrated into the Pulse function, although I am not sure this is even necessary with his profiles. Your reply to his post inspired me to fully analyze what PetArea.cs is doing which is pretty straight forward. On pulse() it checks the pet level, and loads a fixed filename(profile). The problem is it loads "bad" profiles (aka Northern Barrens), and is not alliance friendly at all. This does give me an idea on what I can do to allow the user to have control over when their pets level which profile to load upon reaching certain levels. I can also setup a pre-defined config for both alliance and horde leveling based off Goudahs profiles.

I have some real life work to complete at the moment, but I will revisit this and post an update in the next few days (new tab named 'Proflies') should work well for this purpose.
On pulse() it checks the pet level, and loads a fixed filename(profile). The problem is it loads "bad" profiles (aka Northern Barrens), and is not alliance friendly at all.

I did not check, but when I last used it (prior to the WoD PrePatch) you could fully configure which maps it should load at what level range of the pets. Since some of the map profiles were outdated, I created new maps and replaced the outdated ones in Pet Area. Both plugins working together did quite a good job at leveling the pets unattended.
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