uhm stupid mistake by me ... i think ... as i added Light's Hammer ...
Take a look at your Protection Settings (i forgot to move it to the common settings sections -> will be fixxed soon (tm)), there is a setting called "Lights Hammer Add Count"
set this to 1 (ONE) and it will cast LH on your currents target location all the time (which is maybe not the best solution!, will rework it)
I'll add a configuration for Light's Hammer so that u can choose between
- at CurrentTarget
- at Yourself when in melee range of your current target(everything else won't make sense)
- biggest Pack of mobs (difficult in some fights because of the movement)
- biggest Pack of Players in range (to support healers)
Holy Prism is currently only supported for Protection
i think i have to rework the whole logic for both spells in both speccs (maybe also for ES)
cause u'll need to decide (per fight i think) if u want them used to heal your raid, or mainly to dps
for healing
- LH should be casted on biggest pack players
- HP should be casted on current target ("clever healing spell")
- ES should be casted on Tank or heacy wounded players
for dps
- LH should be casted on see above
- HP should be casted on current tank (i think)
- ES should be casted on CurrentTarget
with this logic it should be fine for all two speccs, right? if so ... i will try to update PR today (in 6 hours or so)