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Project: The Store

Kavol said:
@daQuist, may I ask which routine? if you're getting at Milz products they were sold for GBP, not euro, so the price is basically the same.

It was TuanHa and Leaves. I checked TuanHa again and saw that the price was even in USD so it was even cheaper (15 USD ~ 11,5 EUR). Leaves is definitely in EUR.

And british pounds is not the same in EUR. 15 GBP ~ 18,8 EUR so it would be higher.

Kavol said:
If they were not the routines that are listed on the buddystore then there's no reason to say they were cheaper on their websites.

I had in mind that new routines could be listed with the same price tag.
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Yeh well, no reason to say they're higher priced if they're not even on the store yet, also 19.99 is about 15.9 gbp atm so the price basically didn't change.
Wasn't getting at routines when I said it was cheaper now.

That said I shared my PoV, so happy botting to everyone.
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If we have already purchased premium products from external websites will we have the option of obtaining these cost free from the buddystore to make it the experience more streamlined? Obviously with proof of purchase.
I wanted to access developer panel in the buddy store to make Sharp Messenger Lite available for free there. However I don't see it. Where is it? I am able to log in into the store but there URL from BosslandGmbH:Buddy Store Overview (for Developers) - The Buddy Wiki which is Buddy Store requires me to log in again although I already am logged in. And entering my buddy store login data doesn't work. Is the developer panel closed at the moment?
I wanted to access developer panel in the buddy store to make Sharp Messenger Lite available for free there. However I don't see it. Where is it? I am able to log in into the store but there URL from BosslandGmbH:Buddy Store Overview (for Developers) - The Buddy Wiki which is Buddy Store requires me to log in again although I already am logged in. And entering my buddy store login data doesn't work. Is the developer panel closed at the moment?

BosslandGmbH:Getting Started with the Buddy Store (as a Developer) - The Buddy Wiki

To begin the process of becoming a developer in the Buddy Store, you will need access to the Buddy Store's Developer Panel. You begin this journey by sending your Authentication Portal user name to a senior Bossland GmbH staff member that manages the store.

The Buddy Store Management Staff currently includes:

Raphus (email:[email protected])

The staff member will enable your to access the Developer Panel. This gives you access to the forms and other information that will be required to process a Developer Application.
Hi there where do i post if my password reset is not working for the Store so i can buy the new routine , i am locked out and it doesn't accept the emailed password when i try to log into my Buddy Auth account
If we have already purchased premium products from external websites will we have the option of obtaining these cost free from the buddystore to make it the experience more streamlined? Obviously with proof of purchase.

developers can migrate their existing customers,ask the author to help you with it
I have mixed feelings about this.
I liked it a lot to have the profiles or routines saved on my desktop, so I could edit them or add things myself in case I wanted things the other way around.
Now I have to stream it from an external source, therefor being unable to edit anything or make it compactible with certain other "apps" which require you to have the files on your desktop to load.
It's easy to have everything together in 1 place, and the products which are worth it being "premium", so you're 99% sure ( since 100% is never the case) the product you buy will actually do what you paid for.
I wish everyone good luck with it, although I do hope there will be some changes regarding obtaining the files on my desktop for personal use/edit. One of the things I think more people would love.
I like the idea but at the same time, I don't. Would be great to finally have a lot more "up to date" profiles, but after checking them out, it's going to be very expensive for customers who just want a profile that works, if in the end, it does work as described.

I was just looking at 'BGFarmer - An Advanced Battleground Bot Base' for $25 Euro ($35 AUD) - which is quite expensive, and how do I even know if it's going to be good or not, little too risky, to be honest. While $35 is a lot for nothing more than a document, if it worked to a 'T' and was very impressive, I would have no problems, but to pay that much and only works when it wants and has a lot of issues, I wouldn't be happy.

All profiles should have to go through some intensive testing, over many hours and should only be allowed on if it meets a minimum stability test, as no doubt, a lot are gonna' code some rubbish, ask for $$ and it's going to be horrible. Reward those with the sale that put effort into the product.

Also, lastly, how often are updates even required? I mean, say I buy a profile, and it works great, but then the developer stops supporting it and goes to sh*t, then I am down money when that happens, or anything along those lines.

Can the profiles even be edited to suit ones individual need, ones bought?

(nonetheless, that profile above does look awesome, and If I play again, probably purchase it :P)
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First off, I want to say the buddy store is an absolutely fantastic idea. At least from my point of view as a non-developer/non-profile modding.

Now here is what concerns me. Not really for myself, but concern for the developers getting whatt they worked for.
I have a 6 license key, to be used by myself and friends.
Before the store, I had bought my own products like Leaves and Stars by Mirabis which I didn't share with anyone else.
But now that it's attached to my hb license key and, I suppose streamed to every instance of that license, that would make me able to get up to 6 times the value I paid for it, because it is now available to everyone logged in with my key.
From my side of it, it's great. I get more than I paid for. But what about the developer?
As an example, I've paid for Leaves, which as I understand should only be used by 1 person = 1 license. Then it should only be possible for Leaves to be streamed one at a time to my hb license key. Restricting it further than that would probably be difficult, but restricting it to the amount of licenses bought should be possible.
Then if you wanted to have more than one streamed at a time, you would have to buy more.

Now comes the problem with 1 person with multiple wow accounts.
Again using Leaves as example, should one person be allowed to use multiple instances of Leaves, when they've only bought it once?
Is it bought as a one person use, so the same person can use it on as many personal wow accounts as they want simultaneously?
Or is it bought as a 1 license use, restricting it to be used only on one wow account at a time, and still only by the buyer?

There is no easy answer, as it depends on your point of view.
Using myself as example, for each of my friends using my hb key, the price of the CR, profile etc. is reduced because we can just split the cost.
But is it fair to the guy with multiple account, having to pay for the same product multiple times?

I hope I've made my points clear.
I'm sure there are more things to consider, but these were my first thoughts about it.
First off, I want to say the buddy store is an absolutely fantastic idea. At least from my point of view as a non-developer/non-profile modding.

Now here is what concerns me. Not really for myself, but concern for the developers getting whatt they worked for.
I have a 6 license key, to be used by myself and friends.
Before the store, I had bought my own products like Leaves and Stars by Mirabis which I didn't share with anyone else.
But now that it's attached to my hb license key and, I suppose streamed to every instance of that license, that would make me able to get up to 6 times the value I paid for it, because it is now available to everyone logged in with my key.
From my side of it, it's great. I get more than I paid for. But what about the developer?
As an example, I've paid for Leaves, which as I understand should only be used by 1 person = 1 license. Then it should only be possible for Leaves to be streamed one at a time to my hb license key. Restricting it further than that would probably be difficult, but restricting it to the amount of licenses bought should be possible.
Then if you wanted to have more than one streamed at a time, you would have to buy more.

Now comes the problem with 1 person with multiple wow accounts.
Again using Leaves as example, should one person be allowed to use multiple instances of Leaves, when they've only bought it once?
Is it bought as a one person use, so the same person can use it on as many personal wow accounts as they want simultaneously?
Or is it bought as a 1 license use, restricting it to be used only on one wow account at a time, and still only by the buyer?

There is no easy answer, as it depends on your point of view.
Using myself as example, for each of my friends using my hb key, the price of the CR, profile etc. is reduced because we can just split the cost.
But is it fair to the guy with multiple account, having to pay for the same product multiple times?

I hope I've made my points clear.
I'm sure there are more things to consider, but these were my first thoughts about it.

I'd first like to say, thank you for looking out for us dev's and acknowledging the work we put into all of our stuff.

Honestly though, I think it would cause far too many issues for the normal user.. and why should we restrict how they want to use the work they bought :) a person with 2, 3 or even 100 might be wanting to run with the profile/plugin/rotuine/botbase that they have bought and it would only effect them adversely :)

I say we leave it down to fair use. If people are sharing our products in a small way like that in the community, it still means more eyes seeing our work and maybe they will donate a little to us? even if they don't. I'm happy to know my work is being used and is appreciated :)

So leave it to people to not try and loop hole the system, I know some will, but not enough for me to be angry or care about.

<3 you all


I understand having paid products in the store. But for free things like the 1-90 lvling guide, well why does that have to be streamed to my HB client? Every time the server has a hiccup it drops off and stops working.

Even with paid products, I loves Millz routines, whats stopping me from buying them? Well its the BuddyStore system, I don't care about the fact that they cost money, I care about the fact that when I am in arena or raiding, if the store server decides to fall over it ruins everything. Whats the point of paying for something that I don't even know is going to work properly?

Streaming profiles is an unrealistic option, why cant we just have activation codes for premium routines?

I understand having paid products in the store. But for free things like the 1-90 lvling guide, well why does that have to be streamed to my HB client? Every time the server has a hiccup it drops off and stops working.

Even with paid products, I loves Millz routines, whats stopping me from buying them? Well its the BuddyStore system, I don't care about the fact that they cost money, I care about the fact that when I am in arena or raiding, if the store server decides to fall over it ruins everything. Whats the point of paying for something that I don't even know is going to work properly?

Streaming profiles is an unrealistic option, why cant we just have activation codes for premium routines?

The stuff is not streamed while playing, it's streamed on HB's launch.. that isn't a stream issue if it screws up half way through.. Also.. A lot of people have had no issues.. If you are.. please put up some logs and make sure you are loading stuff properly. I'll be making video guides tomorrow =]
If you do not like the shop - DON'T USE IT. No one forces you to do so.
If you want extras for your bot where a devs spend hundreds of hours in development you are free to pay for it.
If you buy a car, you get a car. If you want extras you pay for it. It's up to you if you need and want it or not.

Fine, but I'm not happy that the sun-roof on my car costs more than the car itself.
But now that it's attached to my hb license key and, I suppose streamed to every instance of that license, that would make me able to get up to 6 times the value I paid for it, because it is now available to everyone logged in with my key. From my side of it, it's great. I get more than I paid for. But what about the developer?
On the other hand, developers will have a lot more sales - their work has a lot more exposure now, as well as being easier to install - (I have had some stream issues, but nothing to panic: still beta).

Fine, but I'm not happy that the sun-roof on my car costs more than the car itself.
These files were available to purchase outside the HB website for a long time. I'd say for the same price - there are even some discounted prices for the Buddy Store launch!
i think the store is a nice idea...BUT... i find it pretty bad that a plugin like Keep Buffs Active.....that was free for month...all of a sudden costs 3 bucks...i don´t know what i should think about that...the bot on it´s own cost me 25€ lifetime...but then paying for every little crappy extension sounds a bit hardcore...the mods should revise very carefully what gets offered as paid on the store and what not....i mean KBA paid? it hardly needs to be updated at all...now everyone who has a little knowledge of plugin coding trys to grab a quick bug...and thats truly sad -.-
now everyone who has a little knowledge of plugin coding trys to grab a quick bug...and thats truly sad -.-
