First off, I want to say the buddy store is an absolutely fantastic idea. At least from my point of view as a non-developer/non-profile modding.
Now here is what concerns me. Not really for myself, but concern for the developers getting whatt they worked for.
I have a 6 license key, to be used by myself and friends.
Before the store, I had bought my own products like Leaves and Stars by Mirabis which I didn't share with anyone else.
But now that it's attached to my hb license key and, I suppose streamed to every instance of that license, that would make me able to get up to 6 times the value I paid for it, because it is now available to everyone logged in with my key.
From my side of it, it's great. I get more than I paid for. But what about the developer?
As an example, I've paid for Leaves, which as I understand should only be used by 1 person = 1 license. Then it should only be possible for Leaves to be streamed one at a time to my hb license key. Restricting it further than that would probably be difficult, but restricting it to the amount of licenses bought should be possible.
Then if you wanted to have more than one streamed at a time, you would have to buy more.
Now comes the problem with 1 person with multiple wow accounts.
Again using Leaves as example, should one person be allowed to use multiple instances of Leaves, when they've only bought it once?
Is it bought as a one person use, so the same person can use it on as many personal wow accounts as they want simultaneously?
Or is it bought as a 1 license use, restricting it to be used only on one wow account at a time, and still only by the buyer?
There is no easy answer, as it depends on your point of view.
Using myself as example, for each of my friends using my hb key, the price of the CR, profile etc. is reduced because we can just split the cost.
But is it fair to the guy with multiple account, having to pay for the same product multiple times?
I hope I've made my points clear.
I'm sure there are more things to consider, but these were my first thoughts about it.